(Last updated: 2-25-2025) DISCLAIMER: IF YOU HAVE ANY RESPECT FOR ME AS A PERSON THEN I ADVISE YOU TO TURN AWAY NOW. CLICK THE 'X' IN THE TOP CORNER OF YOUR SCREEN! RUN, FLEE, ESCAPE. IF YOU ARE A FAMILY MEMBER THEN YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO ENTER BEYOND THIS POINT! Welcome to my crappy website. It truly is a bootleg bunch of crap, but I don't care. Not at all. I'm not doing it just to entertain you scumbags; I'm doing it because writing is fun but I am too lazy to actually write a real book. Don't laugh because I'm serious. If you want to know who the hell I am and why I spent my hard-earned $18.17 to register this domain and to share my thoughts with the world then you can click here to find out. I have no update schedule so if you don't like it then you can ggggggggggeeeeeeeeeeetttttttttttt oooooooouuuuuuuuttttttttttttttt! |
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ANOTHER DISCLAIMER: Why are you still here? Chances are pretty damn good that I WILL insult you in some fashion if you choose to continue beyond this point. The purpose of this site is to entertain me, and I am often entertained at the expense of others. Therefore, prepare to be slandered. A lot. It's still not to late to leave with your feelings intact! |
Tuesday, 2-25-25: Winwood, Gabriel, kithen, taxes,
jog, DOGE. DOGE is knows as the "Department of Government Efficnency" and it might be the best thing I have seen in politics in my entire life. Hell, it might be what saves this once-great nation from self-imploding in my lifetime. I don't care if we fail in my lifetime I can just die, but I would feel really badly for my nephew, niece, and our two grandkids. If things don't get fixed they are the ones who are pwned. President Trump put billionaire and genius Elon Musk in charge of a new branch of the government, DOGE, designed to root out corruption,, waste, and bullshit. Tens of thousands of federal workers were still working from home so in the past few days DOGE ordered them to email their bosses what exactly they do. Plus a lot of them now have to go to their physical work-spaces. Oh Jesus hell ya it's about damn time! All I wanna know is why? Why were they allowed to work remotely for so long? Most remote workers are not efficient in their jobs. A lot of people hate Trump, Musk, and their people for trying to save America. OMG WHAT A BUNCH OF CRAP! Our own shit-brain governor had a heated exchange with Trump recently over men in women's sports. That's a topic I could devote an entire bootleg update to and who knows, I might. However, not tonight. I don't get it. I just don't understand why this became a thing in my lifetime. All I wanna know is why? Why do people think it is okay for biological men to compete in women't sports. It's an epic failer and what a bunch of crap all rolled up into one giant turd-ball. Fuck that. I don't want politics to consume my entire update that almost no one will ever read so I'll move on. I put on channel 1928, the 80s music channel, and I got Steve Winwood and Peter Gabriel. How's that for a win? Two great songs from 1986 I'll take more of that! Just ended with some Bon Jovi now Springsteen. I actually think Springsteen is overrated does that makes me a turd? After a brutal stretch of below-average cold and above-average precip winter is giving up. Today was in the upper 40s with light winds Oh Jesus hell ya! I went for my first ever jog in 04428 here in Eddington. I didn't time myself because I can't find my running-watch plus I didn't care... whether or not I cared. Today was all about getting at it again after months, literally months, of not going jogging. I went one mile at a slow pace but hey I didn't have to walk any of it. I went to work earlier than usual so I could play hookey earlier than usual. It helps I write my own schedule these days hehehe. I did work on the kitchen for a bit after my jog, and a trip to Lowe's before coming home helped with needed supplies. The kitchen looks great now even though it's incomplete, and on Sunday my awesome wife and I (with her doing most of the work) got the entryway looking fantastic: ^Kat actually did most of the work. I did some painting in the hard-to-reach areas and I did the little strip of flooring on the left. Looks awesome! Those stairs are too steep so I'd like to redo them this spring and I have a lot of the materials already here to do so. I just need enough precious... precious time to bang it out, most likely over an entire weekend when it's not a frozen tundra outside, so most likely after tax season ends. I've settled into a routine for now that works well. I do a little here and there on the house either before or after work each day, we hang out and watch some TV and whatnot, I rack out at a decent hour, we wake up, we repeat. I got back into playing racquetball once or twice a week and soon enough I'll get back into yoga. Lifting weights will be a while more, possibly May, because the gym hasn't been built yet. I should say the gym exists but it's filled with our belongings and it needs a lot of work. Oh well at least with some warmer days I can jog and I'm old now so I don't need to lift weights that much. Not trying to win bodybuilding competitions because I'm not really vain. I just like to stay in shape so I am more functional and capable in life. Oh Jesus hell ya Beinda Carlisle I Get Weak. Volume goes up for one of the best 80s songs ever made. She fuckin' crushed it in 1987 with the first three songs on the album Heaven on Earth. Circles in the Sand, I Get Weak, and of course Heaven is a Place on Earth all win at life. My tax business is booming, busier than ever. I have a few drop-off tax returns to work on that will keep me busy through the end of the week. I'm not overwhelmed, though. I could go BEAST MODE, work a 12-hour day one day, and be totally caught up. However, F that I don't want to! I worked plenty of 12+ hour days not only running that stupid fuckin' restaurant but also dating back to my days in the Navy on the USS Carl Vinson. I'm sure I'll work 12+ hours again in life in one day, but I am trying to avoid doing that as long as possible hehehe. I don't have any clients at the desk tomorrow so I can work on a lot of my drop-offs. I had a client drop stuff off who won over $100K at various casinos last year. OMG WTF, OVER?! He has 50 of those w2G forms you get when you win over $600 at once from a lottery or casino. I can't speak from experience because I don't know how to win at a casino and I haven't even been to one in many years hahaha. He has other incomes as well so his will take a while. I need a good tax season because my office rent is higher now. I won't make a huge amount of profit this year, but my focus is more on building things, expanding my knowledge and experience, and picking up some new clients so I can grow the business in the future and start making what I would consider to be decent money from doing it as I grow older and physically less capable on the carpentry side of things. I'd love to have my awesome wife work with me as well doing taxes like we did ten years ago for Jackson Hewitt, but we'll see how it goes. I'm really excited for the spring when tax season ends so I can work more on our badass house and get more sun and exercise. I probably could take the rest of the year off from working after tax season ends and not get bored. Seriously. However, I plan to keep working at least some here and there so we don't burn through our precious... precious money. Going broke again would suck, especially as we creep up on 50 years old. Time isn't on our side anymore like it was even a few years ago. I enjoy working, but I'd rather not be compelled to work until the day I die because we are broke due to terrible decisions in years prior. Alright turds, all two of you who read this pathetic excuse for a website, I'm out of here. It's 2219 and about time to bivouac. Goonies never say die! ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Friday, 2-21-25: Hey we almost have a kitchen! ^Sometimes they are impossible to avoid. The first turd was Monday morning. We had a pretty strong storm come along Sunday. It didn't seem horrible, but it sucked. A lot. We got maybe 4" of snow then sleet then back to snow and it lasted all day. I was working on our new kitchen floor all day and I made my cuts outside so that was fun. There is a roof over the back deck off the kitchen, but the wind blew the snow and sleet in while I worked. I could have made the cuts inside, but F that the flooring makes all kinds of dust for each cut. I use my little handheld Dewalt Skil-Saw for the cuts so that can be a bit... agressive. I could use a jig-saw or something less heavy-duty, but then the cuts take three times as long so F that. I'm better off outside at 15 degrees with wind, snow, and sleet and I'm only outside for a couple minutes and I can do 2-4 cuts each time I step out. Easy enough. So the snow and sleet ended up at a total closer to a half a foot, but it was HEAVY and packed in. In ended very late Sunday night, before daybreak Monday so the plow guy hadn't come yet. Dillon had to work early and we are usually up between 0600-0630 these days so I saw Dillon leave. I was concerned he might not make it down the long driveway, but it seemed all-good until about 20 minutes later when he called me to say he was stuck halfway down the driveway and could use a hand. I tried to help him, but it was a mess. His work van doesn't have snow tires and it's rear-wheel drive and it didn't work out so well. We almost had him free when the plow showed up. He couldn't get down the driveway because it was blocked with Dillon's work van (NOT Dillon's fault) so Mr. Plow ended up trying to push the snow/sleet to the side and he got stuck as well. I put my F150 into 4WD, it did great (a miracle since half the time the 4WD doesn't work haha) and was going to pull with a shitty cable we had, but that snapped so I got my truck out of the way as Mr. Plow called a tow truck. Unfortunately where I thought I was putting the truck was a ditch filled with snow and I didn't know that because we are the new kids in town so my truck got hopelessly stuck as well. We had three vehicles stuck in the driveway what a bunch of crap! I had to cancel my Monday tax clients because I was not getting into town. We get get free, but bye bye $350 including the cost of plowing and the tow truck. Gods damn it! This winter has been EXPENSIVE. This has been the worst winter month since Feb, 2015 ten years ago. I joked with my awesome wife that us moving in together somewhere new in winter is a jinx and we shouldn't do it again. Back in 2015 she moved in with me at Parkway N in Brewer and it was BRUTALLY COLD. Record cold. This month we are at a new place in Eddington and we've had a ton of snow, wind, and cold. 5.8 degrees below normal for the month (so said Jim Witt of 100.3 WKIT this morning) and well above-average precip. What a bunch of crap! Thankfully warmer temps are expected for the next several days. Sadly early March looks cold again, but by March winter is clinging by a thread and the sun is a lot stronger so even at 20 degrees the roads clear off faster... usually. We are blowing through $500-600 worth of oil every two weeks lately. It doesn't help that the insulating wasn't all the way done because WE OWNED A STUPID FUCKING RESTAURANT INTO THE WINTER WHEN WE SHOULD NOT HAVE. Man did that fuck us up the ass with no lube. Hard. I couldn't work on our new place as much because of that restaurant and yes I am still a little bitter about it all. Oh well we have money in the bank and better days are coming. Maybe? Hopefully! The second turd in the punch-bowl of life was yesterday morning. The guy who bought our assets from the restaurant for pennies on the dollar based on our costs called me at 0830 as I was heading to work. He was all freaked out because he talked to the landlord and the landlord said none of the equipment belonged to the new buyer yet because he had put a "mechanical lien" on everything. I dunno wtf that is, but it sounds all bad. We haven't paid rent since August, 2024 so I don't blame the landlord. However, the landlord never bothered to call me to ask for a payment so wtf, over? All I wanna know is why? Why did he not ask for his money? We don't have it, but we could have worked out a deal and that is exactly what I did with a ten-minute phone call, a check in the mail, and a letter to accompany. I called him and took care of that shit and there is no lien. There was going to be one, but he didn't do it because in his words he's been out constantly plowing due to all the snow. He's way north so they have more snow than us. We don't have the precious... precious money in the bank account to pay what we owe in full so I told the landlord the new owners need to pay us so we can pay him. I told the new owner the same thing. No money for us = no money for anyone. I don't give a shit about the money we are supposed to get from the buyers. We are supposed to get a monthly payment starting next month for three years, but I doubt we will. The first 6 months of payments need to pay off debt so that should motivate them to pay. Maybe? Hopefully! I hope they can make a go of it and be profitable, but I have serious doubts and through the grapevine it hasn't gone so well for them so far. I want to help them, but I want my fuckin' life back more so I'm keeping my distance. It is more important to me to find my inner-peace than it is to chase around money I already mentally wrote off. I like to work so I will just earn our money the "normal" way. The tax business is doing great, better than ever, so that will carry us into the spring. After that I have a huge garage to build, Cliff wants us back to rake in the summer (I think), and Jason wants me to sub for him here and there. Plus there is tons of work to be done at our house. I'm booked all year! I've said I'm booked all year every year since COVID, but this year feels different. Even though I have a lot to do I don't feel overwhelmed. Life is still good overall and who cares if our vehicles got stuck in the snow once and if our former landlord wants the money that we actually do owe. It's all good. I had a great week at the tax business and didn't feel overworked. I had some time to work on the house here and there, and today Bruce came and got us a working sink in the kitchen. Oh Jesus, hell ya! Here are a couple photos of the kitchen taken earlier this week: ^That was a few days ago. Since then I have the oven, fridge, and flooring in place in that entire area. Here is another photo from a couple days ago: Today I got the floor done all the way to that far window and trash barrel and I think I can finish it Sunday. Plus I can get the oven and fridge powered up and we have a fully functional sink so that's a huge win. If things go well this weekend we might even be able to cook a meal Sunday night! We are still living mostly off frozen dinners, sandwiches, and the occasional takeout. Tonight I lost to Deno at Rball late PM then got us takeout at nearby Chase's family restaurant. We know the family who runs that place, and they do a great job and they are really nice people. Their chicken marsallies (I can't spell that what a bunch of crap!) and baked stuffed haddock are the best! I sometimes get the haddock with rice and carrots and I feel like I'm eating a healthy-ish and hearty meal. Same for the chicken. We haven't gotten food there in a few months so it was a fantastic treat. It's close to bedtime. I usually bivouac between 2200-2230 and it's 2237 now. However, it is a Friday night so I can splurge some, right? At this time just two months ago I wasn't going to bed until 0230-0300 Friday nights because I worked at a restaurant that I hated and I MADE NO FUCKIN' MONEY! Am I bitter about that?! I think I am, but peace is coming along more and more every day. I put on The Pet Shop Boys while I wrote this bootleg update that almost no one will ever read. Earlier I was ripping out Ratt on the drive to and from town because everyone knows the 80s were the absolute best. Man I miss the 80s. What was my top score in Pole Position? Hell if I know, but watch The Goonies when the kids are in the attic for a fun reference. Moon patrol was fun, too. My life has slowly descended over the years so now it's time to turn things around before it's too late. I'm going to be 50 years old in 9 months so can I pull it off by then? Right now I am on the path I need to be on so let's hope I can stay there. I want my awesome wife there with me as well for her own sake. I feel badly still because I hated that fuckin' restaurant but it was her passion so I think for her something is still missing. Thankfully we have the grandkids next door now, literally next door, so that helps. We have a sweet place to live as well even though there isn't a kitchen yet... _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Saturday, 2-15-25: This is peaceful and great. I gotta give the credit to my awesome wife for shopping online and finding these beautiful "Saman" style butcher live-edge butcher block hardwood boards from Home Depot. They really look nice and the photos don't truly show how awesome they are. Of coruse we went and looked at them before we actually loaded them up just to be sure we actually liked them. Before I prepped the butcher block I painted some walls and the kitchen cabinets as shown in the background. I listened to 100.3 WKIT on the radio and it's a gift from the gods who do not exist that WKIT is still broadcasting. In December they announced they were going out of business after being on the air seemingly forever, but some local guys who also own restaurants bought the station and literally saved it so that's fantastic. Sadly those guys were somewhat interested in buying our former restaurant until they decided to buy a radio station instead, but I don't even care... whether or not I care. Someone called in during the "All request coffee break" and requested a Thursday triple-play of 80s hair rock so I got Def Leppard, Ratt, and Twisted Sister for the win. Ratt, Lay it Down played and I thought for sure it was going to be the overplayed Round and Round so that was a small win. I do like Round and Round, but Ratt has 50 other songs that are better and that rarely ever get radio-time. Lay it Down is one of if not the best rock song of all-time. I used to think it was Motley Crue's Girls, Girls, Girls but I've changed my mind. I think Girls, Girls, Girls is the best party song of all-time, but nothing can top the intro to Lay it Down. I think that's one of the few perfect songs out there in the entire world. Too bad it's only about a 3-minute song. What a bunch of crap! Cutting that butcher block is high risk because if I get it wrong bye bye $500. Thankfully I got it right. I think? I have all of tomorrow to work on the place so I think I can start some of the floor on that kitchen side after I finish cutting out the sink-hole in one piece of the butcher block. I'm trying to make as many cuts as I can indoors there before I start the floor because I don't want to be doing messy cuts in there with a new floor going down. I have a covered deck outside I can use, but it's a frozen tundra out there and I don't want to if I don't have to. The wind blows the snow in so it really does look like the artic out there. Everywhere. I think this is the coldest most wintry month we've had in a decade. What a bunch of crap! Oddly enough I don't care that much, though. I know soon spring will arrive and bye bye snow. The dogs love the snow so it's great seeing them be able to play in it. Unfortunately we did get some icing later Thursday so now the snow has that trash crust on the top and it's harder to walk in it. Tomorrow we have another really big storm coming that will start as snow, we get about 6", and then we get icing. What a bunch of crap! Fuck you winter please end soon. I worked several hours at the tax office today. I stopped by someone's house to get their tax stuff and I had four different clients from 1000-1300 before I played racquetball against Gavin mid-afternoon. It's the first time he and I have played in about 3 months OMG. Mike and I have played 4 times this year so that's better than nothing, but barely-so. After Rball (I won 2 games to one but that's because he is recovering from a strained forearm he is a better player than me) I got home to watch some Cobra Kai on Netflix with my aweome wife. That was a GREAT show in its early seasons but now it's just okay. I hate-watched the first few episodes of the final season yesterday, but thankfully the ones we watched today were a little better. I think we will finish it tomorrow after we work on the house, assuming we have power still of course. Tomorrow's storm is looking nasty so who knows? Then it's back to the tax office Monday morning for a few more clients and for the usual weekday routine. Monday is President's Day, one of the most worthless holidays of all-time. We have too many holidays and some need to disappear. Columbus Day is probably the worst, but maybe not because WTF is "June Teenth?" Earth Day is a bag of shit, President's Day is worthless, and Veteran's Day is lame as well. Am I a dick for saying that last one? I'm an honorably-discharged veteran so I think I'm qualified to say that. It's useless! Can't we combine Veteran's Day and Memorial Day into one? I never celabrate my own holidays, though. I don't care... whether or not I care about my birthday so of course I don't give a crap about Veteran's Day. Oh, Easter is a lame holiday as well. I could go on but I won't... ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Sunday, 2-09-25: Chiefs are getting CRUSHED.
Great! I'm sitting on a really comfy badass couch-thing that we bought at Bob's discount furniture a couple weeks ago. That store is really confusing. They have some decent furniture there, but the two different times we walked in staff were sitting around on the display furniture on their phones. Does the boss let the staff play Candy Crush when there are no customers?! Hehehe. I don't really care that much, we see stuff we like we will buy it from their sloth-staff, but I'd never allow that if I ran the place. Another thing that sucks about Bob's is you have to get stuff delivered, and it ain't free. Their store is just a showroom so you can't take it with you. What a bunch of crap! Oh well I would have paid for delivery anyway so I don't have to screw with it. We got a sectional L-shaped couch with motorized recliners, cup holders, and USB ports. OMG AM I FANCY?! I've never owned a piece of furniture this fancy before, ever. The couch cost a bit over $2000 but we spent a tad over $3000 with some other kitchen-thing we bought plus the delivery fee. It seems like a lot of money, it is a lot of precious... precious money, but we want to have a nice home and bonus we got a $3000 check from what we had in escrow with the bank from our Parkway N house so that's a huge win. A free couch but not really free but it felt free hehehe. It's been a decent weekend. We had to drop another $50 for plowing this AM because we got 2" of snow last night and into the early morning. What a bunch of crap! This winter is getting gods damned expensive with lots of little snow events and below average cold since maybe mid-month last month. The next couple weeks are looking to stay below average cold and above average snowy, too. Gods damn it! Maybe the pattern will change for March? Hopefully and by then I'd like to start jogging outside again on a somewhat regular basis. I worked all day on the kitchen area of the house today. I think I got close to 9 hours in today, quality time. Oh Jesus, hell ya! Here it is now: ^I have to install some trim for what will be the attic access, but the ceiling is essentially done so that is a great feeling. I also did some electrical work, some painting, some trim in the center "spine", I shored up that support-spine with additional screws and lumber, and I did a fair amount of cleaning and organizing. I'd call it a win for sure. So when will we have a kitchen? I don't know yet, but I think we can have something at least partially-functional by the end of this month. It's amazong to think there are only two weekends left this month and I will work most if not all Saturdays for tax season so I have two more Sundays to work on the place and *hopefully* a little time during the week here and there. I plan to stay home Thursday since we have another winter storm coming so I can get to work on the subfloor, more trim, more painting, etc. We bought a new kitchen sink, faucet, and really beautiful butcher block Friday evening so I have a lot of the supplies already here. We have what I think should be all the paint we need for walls, trim, and cabinets. I have a lot of subfloor 3/16 luan and about a dozen boxes of flooring. Oh Jesus, hell ya! I would have preferred to use 7/16 (essentially half inch) plywood for a subfloor, but the 3/16 was already installed in the kitchen and I didn't think it was necessary to rip it up. There is 3/4 plywood flooring already in place so the luan will get the job done. I don't think I will have the kitchen entirely done until after tax season, but if I can get it at least functional ASAP that will be awesome. This couch takes up a lof of precious... precious space in the living room (I'm not complaning because the couch is great) so getting the mini-fridges out of the living room will make a big difference. Alright turds, all two of you who read this bootleg site, this game is done. Fin. It's 40-6 Philly with only 3 minutes left so I don't feel compelled to even watch the end. Too bad the Patriots haven't been in a Superbowl since Tom Brady left several years ago, and I don't even think they've won a playoff game. Maybe they only went to one playoff game and it certainly wasn't this season since they finished dead last at 4-13. What a bunch of crap! ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Friday, 2-07-25: I gots the place to myself.
I'll probably pass out soon! I haven't talked to Mom and Dad since I was down at the ol' homestead for Jason's birthday about three weeks ago, Jan 16. Mom and I text some, but not too much. It seems they are doing well enough and that's great since I don't plan to head that way again for 2.5 or 3 months. I need to get this place squared away and I need to finish what I expect to be a fairly busy (but not overwhelming) tax season. So far I think I'm about 20% done with my tax season in terms of work. I have roughly 10 weeks left and lots more to do, but it's not using all my precious... precious time. I've actually been mostly enjoying this tax season, possibly more than any prior one I've ever had. Today I had a client cancel so I was able to lose to Deno at racquetball before heading home. I should have won both games since I had the lead, but I blew it. Again. What a bunch of crap! My only exercise all year has been playing rball against Mike three times within the past couple weeks. Gavin has a strained forearm so he can't play yet, but I think he can soon. Maybe? Hopefully! I really enjoy playing even if I lose so it sucked losing a couple months of playing rball due to that gods damned restaurant and trying to move to Eddington. I wasn't going to drink tonight, but I've had Captain and Coke and that shit packs a punch. So far after almost exactly one month of living here I haven't drank that much, three or four max and over a larger span of time and more weak booze like coffee brandy and/or Twisted Tea, so this Captain is really strong by comparison and I gotta slow my roll. I'd probably never buy Twisted Tea even though I do like it, but we had a bunch leftover from the restanrant so why not drink it? I got more behind on everything than I've ever been before in my worthless life in 2024. Even this bootleg site that almost no one ever reads has been a shit-show to upkeep. I was just trying to put OCT, 2024 into its own folder and I still had to do every month so I didn't finish. What a bunch of crap! I haven't updated my bootleg quote of the month in about a half a year either. I SUCK. Fortunately I think better times are coming. Maybe? Hopefully! That stupid fuckin' restaurant is getting further into the past but I'm not 100% done with it yet. We still have a payment plan to manage, I have a couple repairs do to there, but at least we are moved out thanks to the efforts of my awesome wife. I do feel guilty closing the place, but it had to happen because we were turning into pudding. It was all-bad and it would have killed us. Sadness would have ended me and the physical toll would have ended my awesome wife. I wanted to do a year-end review of 2024 like I've done for years in the past, but F that we are already nearly 6 weeks into 2025 so what's the point? 2024 SUCKED. We lost money, I didn't get enough exercise, and I'd rather forget the entire year ever happened. What good came out of 2024 for me personally? I can think of jack and shit, combined. It was the worst fuckin' year of my life. What a bunch of crap! Being here in Eddington is glorious. It does require more driving, but F it that's a small price to pay. We have 7 acres and I'm optimistic about the warmer months to come. I can't wait to sit out on the deck with a beer and enjoy the world. I am hoping I won't have too much work on the calendar either so I can get this place put together and really enjoy it. I'm sick of always having something to do. It gets exhausting gods damn it. Yesterday I did make some really good progress on what will be our kithen. Tomorrow I have some tax clients and the dogs have to get groomed so I won't work over on the kithen side, but I think I can hit it hard before the Chiefs - Eagles Superbowl game Sunday night. I don't really care... whether or not I care who wins the Superbowl but I do hope the Chiefs don't win because even God-Brady never won 3 consecutive Superbowls. I'm almsot too drunk to keep writing. What a bunch of crap! Hey, we got cable boxes back F that bootleg Roku-thing Spectrum tries to sell (XUMO?) and get this, we actually still get channel 1928. Oh Jesus hell ya to the 80s music! Dolly Parton now with 9-5 so hopefully something better comes next. Maybe Def Leppard or the Pet Shop Boys? Okay we are getting GnR Welcome to the Jungle. This works for me! So funny earlier my awesome wife and I were talking about GnR. I'm not a huge fan but they do have some great songs. Too bad Axle Rose melted down earlier in his life. Hell, if I were in his shoes I probably would have melted down as well. _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Thursday, 2-06-25: Real winter now. Celtics fail.
Politics. This pattern looks to continue for a couple more weeks and then I really hope we can start to say goodbye to "real winter." What is real winter? I just made it up, but to me it's what happens in the dead middle of winter when everything is covered with snow and ice and it rarely if ever gets above 32. Real winter = DO NOT WANT. I want "Fake winter" like what happens when we get snow in early November or April and then two days later it's gone. This weather pattern SUCKS. You know what else sucks? Watching the Celtics lose to Dallas in Boston at the TD Garden (All I wanna know is why? Why is it called a garden?) and lose by a lot for most of the game. What a bunch of crap! They play so well at times and then at other times it's pure garbage. Dallas doesn't even have Luka anymore since they shipped his ass off to LA a couple days ago. Trump is the president, officially as of Jan 20, and since then he's rocking and rolling. He put Elon Musk in charge of reducing government waste and I love it. A lot of people are PISSED about it because an entire governmet agency is now about to die. I can't remember the name of it, but it's the one where we are Santa Claus to the rest of the world. I'm all for helping out other nations who have legit need, but a lot of these programs are terrible and cost us precious.... precious tax dollars. I'm glad Trump is doing what he said he would do. He banned men in women's sports and that was LONG overdue. All I wanna know is why? Why in any world is it okay for that to ever happen? I'm all for equality in the workplace and all that, equal pay and rights, but men are physically bigger and stronger (on average) than women so that's the problem. It's just not fair and sports *should* be fair. However, the Celtics should have cheated tonight to win hehehe. The snow gave me a good excuse to NOT go to the tax office today. Hey, if I work most Saturdays from now through mid-April then I "deserve" a day off during the week. Right? It wasn't really a day off because I had some phone calls, texts, and emails to reply to. Plus I worked on the house after a trip into town to buy groceries and look at some butcher block. The kitchen is coming together nicely, but slowly. We still don't have a working kitchen and we've lived here for a month. What a bunch of crap! Today was a win, though. I got my wiring just about finished and that took a while getting everything in place for lights, switcches, junction boxes, etc. Once I finish the ceiling (Sunday?) then we can focus on paint, botcher block countertops, etc. ^Ceiling in what will be the dining room and maybe office-area is basically done. I'd love to have a working kitchen by the end of this month, but holy crap February is a short month (I thank the gods who do not exist for that) so it might be March. I'll be busier in the coming weeks with the tax business, too. Tomorrow I have five appointments, Sat two, I have things to work on, and Monday I think I have five as well. Midweek next week there is nothing on the calendar, but that will fill in quickly. Alright turds, all two of you who read this bootleg site, I'm out of here. Time to bivouac because revielle is between 0600-0630 latlely. We don't set out alarm, but we know it's time to get up so Debbie or Dillon can crop off little Dylan around 0700 before they go to work for the day. My awesome wife is the babysitter for our 8-week-old granddaughter. I'd help her watch the baby but F that I don't even like babies because they are just weird. They look like little aliens and not even like people! They cry, they sleep, they piss and shit, then they do it all over again. Oh, I guess they also eat but not really because it's only milk going down that gullet for now. I like kids a lot more when they can actually move. When they can talk and play that is also a plus, and when they understand the term "Disappear, scumbag." you've hit the sweet spot. Where's my psychologist? _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Monday, 2-03-25: This is how you buy a business?!
Totally bootleg! Over the weekend we were able to put it together for a 0800 signing/closing at the restaurant space today. I just found out yesterday they planned to do the down payment in cash, and my awesome wife and I thought that option SUCKED. Don't get me wrong I love cash, but getting piles of it all at once is not how I roll. Too much cash sucks to have to count unless you have a system in place for it like, I dunno, A FRIGGIN BANK! I asked for a bank check, they hate banks, so I had to get our broker's advice, he ran it up his ladder a rung or two, and he said we could do cash. I did NOT want to do cash because that much on me at once is dangerous. Plus I didn't want to have to count it all. So when I talked to the buyer yesterday on the phone I asked him to at least have the cash in $100 bills so it won't take forever to count. He said most of them were $100 but not all of them and of course banks are closed Sundays so I just had to hope for the best. I had a feeling this morning would be kind-of a shit-show and that is exactly what happened. First he calls me at 0750 to say he's going to be 15 minutes late due to the snow that he didn't expect because I guess he never watches the weather? MID-WINTER IN MAINE HELLO. The roads weren't even bad because we only got a couple inches and it was ending. I didn't even need 4WD at all in the truck. (I don't use 4WD much anyway and I'm not really sure it works anymore what a bunch of crap!) He had another investor/partner/guy coming to pay money so this other guy whom I've met several times before and is a fellow Navy veteran showed up with his part of the cash. He had a red box, I thought it was Ritz crackers, but nope out pours a PILE of rubber-banded cash stacks as well as a bunch of food crumbs. Here is the box after I tossed it:
^OMG THERE WAS OVER $10,000 IN THAT CRACKER JAX BOX ON ROIDS AND I SWEAR TO THE GODS WHO DO NOT EXIST CRUMBS OF FOOD WERE MIXED IN. WHAT A BUNCH OF CRAP! It gets better. These stacks of cash are shit-shows. There are some $5, $10 but most of them were $20+. However, having the majority of them be $20 bills was a giant epic fail because it all takes forever to count. even if we got paid in $100 bills today we would have had to count over 250 of them. The other half of the payment was also a mixed-bag of cash and I'd say 65% of the total paid were $20 bills so I probably had 800-900 bills of US currency to deal with. Wow, just wow. The money smelled like booze and smokes, but I didn't notice that until later before I got to the bank. Counting and sorting it all took me a whole damn hour in my new tax office. How weird was it for me walking in with a briefcase full of cash. Literally FULL of cash. I've only been in my new spot for 3 weeks so I don't need the building manager thinking I'm a money launderer haha. Here is how the cash left the restaurant in my briefcase: It's awesome to look at, but it's not going to make us rich, if I got mugged I'd be screwed, if some of the bills were fake we'd be secrewed (we spot-checked them with a special pen.), and I didn't want to waste the precious... precious time counting it all. Today I actually had too much cash and by a lot. I can't believe I just wrote that because think of all the homeless people who might kill for it. However, all that relatively meager amount of cash adds up to is a small fraction of what we lost in total having that gods damned cursed restaurant. Thankfully I got it all into the bank so don't come rob me hehehe. I felt a little embarassed going into the bank with that briefcase and telling the dude I sold business assets and I'm sorry but the buyer hates banks and would only pay in cash. The teller looked quite surprised at how much money I had in the briefcase so I waited in a chair while he went out back and worked the magic of the system (aka fed them into a machine since I had them neatly sorted.). As an added bonus a cool 80s song by Icehouse called Crazy came on while I waited. Is that a good omen for us? My broker agreed it was the most ghetto, shit-show business asset sale he'd ever seen. The actual buyer was a half-hour late (not the 15 he said), he seemed to think we screwed with the contract since he didn't read the revised one I sent (and we did not), his cash was disorganized and IN A FUCKIN SHOE BOX LIKE AL BUNDY WOULD DO, and he had no time to even talk after. What a bunch of crap! _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Friday, 1-31-25: Was January a good month? ^Photo from 2008, but in 2007 it was all torn apart. If I only knew then what I know now... There are other turds in the life punch-bowl, but there always are. It was January, the worst weather month of the year, and we had plenty of cold air. I think the month will end close to normal, and normal is COLD. Not a ton of snow, but enough for 3 plows. We moved into our place in Eddington at the worst possible time of year. What a bunch of crap! Oh well, the dogs love being able to run and play outside. I have a little corral-area for them to do business in, but I try to get them into the yard once a day if possible so I can run around with them. Today was 34, relatively balmy, and I got off work early (I write my own schedule haha) so I could meet Ben for the dryer-wiring and do other stuff. I ran around with the dogs for a bit in the yard and it was glorious. At one point it seemed like Tiger Lily was almost smiling after she bombed around in the snow. I think we have 6-8" on the ground, but I'm not really sure. It seems to be the perfect amount for the dogs. ^There are always turds in the life punch-bowl, it can never be perfect, but we are on the right path... I think. Another turd in the punch-bowl is this gods damned Mad Kat restaurant space. It's mostly emptied of our possessions, but the guy who wants to buy the assets seems like a nincompoop. Maybe he's a good guy, I dunno, but I do know that he sucks are replying to emails, calls, and messages. When we talk it seems to go well, but he will go hours or even days not replying to what we consider very time-sensitive stuff like PAYING US and signing up for utilities. A contract would be great, too. We gave him one last week, but he said his laywer was going to take a month to review it OMG REALLY?! I don't care... whether or not I care about the money anymore. I want some loot if possible, but getting that place out of my life is the priority. It still uses up precious... precious time that I don't want to spare. I'm still VERY busy all the time, but I feel less overwhelmed. The tax business is really taking off and I am picking up a lot of new clients. Gone are the days of walk-ins, but word of month and referrals are cranking. When I'm not at my new tax office I am trying to get Mad Kat out of my life and I'm also trying to work on this place. It's coming along at a slow pace as expected due to the tax business. I don't think we will have a kithen before March so it's probably a few more weeks of washing dishes in the bathroom sink. What a bunch of crap! We don't use many dishes because we have plastic utensils, paper plates, and I drink juice and milk right from the jug most of the time. We have a microwave and mini-fridge so good enough. For the first time in a long time I'm optimistic about our future and I don't hate my life like I did in 2024. Last year was one giant turd and it can eat the peanuts out of my ssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittttttttttttttttttttttt. Why did it suck so much? Two words: MAD KAT. Not my wife, the restaurant of course. Fuck that place it's only now when I can truly reflect about how much that shit-show ruined years of my life. The financial side of things sucks. A lot. However, the mental toll was so bad I can't even tally it up. At least financially I can put a number on it (a VERY high number) but I don't know how to quantify the mental side of it all yet. It's been exactly one month since our last day being open at Mad Kat. At this time Dec 31 the place was packed and we were ripping. I was probably halfway through what was something like a 13-hour shift, but I can't even remember. Hell, I don't WANT to remember. We went out last night for a bit to trivia when some friends and former staff and part of me felt guilty because none of them are back to work yet and it was my decision to go out of business. What choice did we really have, though? We could have gotten a sketchy loan from our credit card provider, but that would have been a baid-aid and we really were sailing on a doomed vessel. All we were doing at the end was losing money. What a bunch of crap! All of the staff should have been approved for unemployment since we legit went out of business. Now there is no fun karaoke place anywhere in town. What a bunch of crap! There are a few places that do karaoke, but none of them compare. Oh well I don't give a shit about karaoke, but my wife loves it and I love her so I do hope we have a place to go to that she enjoys at least on occasion. I don't want to go out much because I feel like I was out every weekend for close to 4 years working at that cursed bar... I'm really looking forward to spring when tax season ends and I can really work on this place. We have lots of ideas and it will be a lot of fun hanging out here in the warmer months. By then I'd like to have a gym again and get back into shape. I don't feel like I'm in bad physical shape now, but if I don't get on it soon I'll gain weight and that is not an option. (A few pounds = no worries but getting FAT = epic fail.) _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Saturday, 1-25-25: Things are much better now. This past week that is about to end in a couple hours has been the best week of my life since before COVID in 2020. I'm mostly set up in my new tax office in Bangor and during the week I was able to work in the tax office for about 3 hours a day all week and then run some errands and come home to work on our unfinished house. We still don't have a kitchen, but I'm making great progress and I was able to work on it a lot this week. Here it is as of mid-afternoon before I quit and played racquetball. I hadn't played rball in over two months what a bunch of crap! I haven't gotten any exercise at all either other than doing some carpentry work. Carpentry is a workout depending on the job, especially building this garage: I worked on that garage some earlier this month, but not much because F that it's the middle of winter, it's been cold, and I have other things to do like finish our house, close and try to sell the restaurant, and set up my tax office. I do have tax clients as well, but so far no in-person meetings until Tuesday. That stupid fuckin' restaurant is still a thorn in our side, but it looks like we will be mostly done with it soon. I wish we could say we'd be 100% done with it, but that's going to be a while since the buyers we found have no choice but to pay us over the next 3 years after a down payment. I am skeptical this deal still might not happen since no money is is escrow yet, but we shall see. I talked to the guy yesterday and he seemed all-in. It is sad going to the restaurant space now since it's so empty and cold. We turned the heat down to 55 because F paying for 68-70 when it's not in use but holy crispy crap it doesn't take long to get cold in there when packing and doing some work. I could spend all night writing on this bootleg site that no one ever reads because I'm so far behind updating it. So much has happened that there is no way to write about it all before I bivouac. I did just speed-watch the Celtics game because we went and got an actual cable box Thursday. We had been using some bootleg and totally unacceptable thing from Spectrum called a XUMO and that pathetic thing can eat the peanuts out of my sssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiitttttttttttttttt. It's one of the worst modern inventions of all-time, and Spectrum should be embarassed about offering it. I know they want to ditch cable boxes and go exclusively streaming, but the people who made XUMO should all be fired. Having a cable box is like revisiting an old friend. I can't even put into words how nice it is having precious... precious time again. These past couple weekends have been AWESOME knowing I don't have to work until 0100 or 0200 at the restaurant for no money. I can turn my phone off and who cares? I don't feel overwhelmed anymore and we aren't broke. Oh Jesus, hell ya! The only thing that sucks a little is the fact that it's still the middle of winter and lately it has been COLD. -10 a few days ago at night then -13. Not every day has been that cold, but this past week was certainly below average even for this time of year. What a bunch of crap! Oh well we haven't had a ton of snow other than 6 fluffy inches last week that was really no big deal since it happened at night. Could be worse and in a few days it's February and days will get longer and average temps will increase slowly. Our new place heats great, too. Downstairs is chilly, but that's the storage/garage and we can deal with that more in the spring. The upstairs heats so well I'm actually sitting here with shorts and no shirt at 2300 hahaha. I'm not turing the heat down, though. F that it's set at 64 in the hall area and we are on a second floor so of course it will be warmer. We will probably roast up here in the summer, but that's not a problem we need to think about in January when it's currently 7 degrees outside. I'll start to have more regular tax-office hours next week and beyond. I do have four appointments for Saturday next week so this is probably my last full weekend off for several weeks if not for 3 months. It's not a true weekend off since I'll work on the house a lot, but working on the house is for us and not a "real" job so I don't mind. Seeing the kitchen come together has been awesome as well and I can't wait for that side to be mostly done so I can start getting a gym set up. I don't think the gym will happen for a couple more months, but I can start doing yoga again and get back into r-ball. When was the last time I even played rball? Guy looks now... Nov 21 when we did cutthroat OMG WHAT A BUNCH OF CRAP! I was just too busy in Dec and the first part of this month plus Mike had a shoulder strain and Gavin still has a bum forearm. Getting old sucks. I don't think I've ever gone 25 days into a new year without getting any exercise since I was a kid back in the early 90s. Who knows maybe at times when I was in the Navy I didn't hit it so often either? No worries because I see what we will have for a gym in a couple months, certainly by spring, and it will be epic. We have a spot for what will be a GREAT gym downstairs. I'll have to put in quite a bit of sheetrock work down there, but I look forward to it and I can do a drop-ceiling because doing ceiling sheetrock = DO NOT WANT TO TO. That's why I've "cheated" and done the tile celings in most areas up here hehehe. Mudding, sanding, and taping makes my tennis elbow act up. What a bunch of crap! ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Wednesday, 1-15-25: We live in Eddington! I never considered myself to be depressed until 2024. I realize that I was in a bad funk for most of last fall to the point I would certainly call it depression. It was all-bad, especially Oct 31, Halloween, and the weeks that followed after the sale of the place fell through. What a bunch of crap! I am doing a lot better now. A LOT. I think my wife is also doing better emotionally, but I can't compare since I hated the restaurant and she seemed to mainly enjoy it. Did I take that away from her by pushing to close and just go out of business? I hope not, but I probably did. However,we were losing money badly so I don't know how we could have even afforded to stay open much longer. Putting our own precious... precious money into the place was no longer an option. We were not doing well financially for the last part of 2024 because the sale of the restaurant turned into a disaster and the closing of our Brewer house on Parkway North got delayed by four friggin' weeks. FOUR WEEKS OMG ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! WHAT A BUNCH OF CRAP! My life was such a whirlwind shit-show for the end of 2024 and the beginning of this year that I can't even write about it all or it would take hours and end up becoming a novella. No one wants to read that crap! Here are some bullet-points: Our last day being open as Mad Kat & Co Bar & Grill was New Year's Eve Dec 31. Sales were GREAT and customers mostly behaved. I had to kick some old asshole out because he thought the pizza was free and it was only $3 a slice. What a bunch of crap! Staff did amazing and I'm proud of them for that. Deven worked 16 hours holy crap! His Mom even came to help at the end and she was also great. We've had a lot of packing to do at the former restaurant, and a lot of cleaning as well. I've helped some, but my awesome wife has handled the majority of it as well as coordinating vendor returns, refunds, etc. We had over $10,000 in beer and liquor still on-hand can you believe that?! I would have guessed a number half that much. Our liquor cabinet (that we don't have haha) here at our house will be epic because we have a lot of leftover liquor. Can't return the opened ones but we sure can drink them! Too bad we have a lot of stuff I'll never drink like whiskeys and tequilas. I don't even think we kept any gin because that is the most ridiculous booze of all-time. GIN SUCKS IT'S WEIRD I DO NOT WANT TO DRINK PINE TREES. I found a new place for my tax office and I start moving in tomorrow. More on that in the days and weeks to come. We FINALLY closed on our Parkway N Brewer house 8 days ago, and that's how long we've lived in Eddington. We had more to move than I thought we did so a big chunk of last week Mon & Tues was devoted to the move. I rented another 15-foot UHaul and we made 4 total trips with it wow! Back in early December we only made two trips. However, we didn't do the best job tightly packing the UHaul last week. Our place here in Eddington needs a lot of work, but we are good enough for now. Mostly finished bedroom: Groot on the living room love seat: We have most of a bedroom and living room, we have heat, Internet, TV, and hot water. However, we don't have a kitchen or laudry yet. What a bunch of crap! The downstairs was a cluttered mess until yesterday when my awesome wife rearranged. I rented a storage unit locally because we need to stow more stuff from the failed restaurant. We seemingly have the restaurant assets sold. It's not the price we want, but we think it's better than nothing. We're working on a contract now with the buyers so more on that to come. We are planning to be done with the place Feb. 1, but that is far from certain. The sooner we finish there the better so I can focus on the tax business and working on our place here in Eddington. I already have tax stuff to work on and it will only get busier for me at the tax desk as we move into Feb, March, and April. It's amazing we live in Eddington now. So far this place > our Brewer house. I feel more at-peace here, and I love how the bedroom turned out. The bathroom came out great as well and I'd rate that better than our old Brewer bathroom. I don't spend a lot of time in the bathroom so I don't really care that much, but it's something I did notice I think the living room will also be better, but it's unfinished so that's a TBD. We will have tons of room downstairs for what will be an epic gym as well as a studio for my awesome wife. The yard is huge so we have a lot of outdoor activities to look forward to when spring comes around.