5-31-14: Progress on my new house. I'm at the point on my house now where my main focus is installing the floor. I still do have some trim work, painting, and related left but the bulk of my work will be the floor. I don't have a photo of the 100-ish square feet of the floor in the living room that's already done, but I do have a couple photos of the house from a few days ago to post:
Here is the living room from a few
days ago: I suppose I could take the plastic shrink-wrap off my new TV now. I ordered a wall mount for the TV, and I'll pick up some little stand-thingie that can hold the cable box, a DVD player (that I don't yet own), and my NES/SNES. For now the cinderblocks get the job done. That coffee table is a total piece of crap that will end up in my fire-pit once I buy something nicer. Same for that old-ass octagonal thing that my TV is sitting on. Actually, that octogonal stand-thing is one of the first pieces of furniture that I ever owned. Matt and I went to a yard sale in Port Orchard, Washington back in 1997 when we got our 2-bedroom apartment. We were stationed out there in the Navy; nearby Bremerton was the home port of our ship, the USS Carl Vinson. The yard sale was an old person moving into a retirement home or something so we bought that stand-thing, a couch, a coffee table, and a few other things. The coffee table that we bought is at Kelly's house now. Hahahahaha! The couch went to the dump years ago because by then it was a bootleg piece of shit. It was some flower-pattern monstrosity that was likely manufactured in 1970. What a bunch of crap! Speaking of Kelly's house, I should haul my ass up there to get the rest of my crap. Her and I have played phone tag over the past couple days, and we have texted a little bit. We haven't talked or even seen each other in maybe 3 weeks now! Ah well, I don't even care... if I care. I guess if she gave a crispy crap then she would have called my ass. Right? I guess we're done as a romantic entity and I suppose I'll phase right the hell out of her life in the very near future. I gotta get off this bootleg thing
and go play racquetball. May is about over, tonight it's booze o'clock,
and Goonies never say die! Thursday, 5-29-14: Milestones.
On May 26th I also passed my one-month anniversary for owning my new house. I still have the place torn apart, but at least the worst of the renovation is behind me. I even have some furniture now! I'll have to post photos next time; I left my camera over there and I'm too lazy to drive 1/3 of a mile to get it. Hehehehe. Hopefully by June 26th, if not sooner, my house will be 100% put back together and looking great. I started the flooring in the living room yesterday and most of the painting is done now. The floor will take a while because I have around 550-600 square feet to install and only 40 square feet are done. Trim work will also take a while more. I've worked at UPS for over a year now. Score! I passed that milestone May 20 last week. When I first started I kinda informally told myself that I wouldn't get done for at least a year and then I could re-evaluate my life. That place totally sucks sometimes, but that pay ain't bad and most of the time it doesn't suck that badly so I think I'll keep working there for a while more. If I can stay there for about another 6 years then I'll have my first rental property paid off and, if I'm frugal enough (without being a 100% cheapass) then I can pay off most or all of my house, too. That would be awesome! Then I can "retire" from a real job and just do the rentals and maybe some seasonal stuff like income taxes, etc. Will I last another six frigging years at UPS? It seems unlikely, but I did last over 7 years at FedEx and then I went back twice more for Christmas seasonal work... I guess I should eat some food and
go mow lawns. Maybe I'll get my swell on later and then work on my house
for an hour or two. Or maybe I won't work on my house? It's a nice day
so I plan to be outside for a good portion of this afternoon. Unfortunately,
it looks like it's snowing due to pollens and crap falling out ot trees
around here so I will be sneezing a lot. The pollens have been making
me cough and sneeze since 0415 this morning. What a bunch of crap! Tuesday, 5-27-14: Epic
weekend. We drank on Friday night and went to Jester's for a bit. Much got burned in my fire-pit, and a couple funny things happened at Jester's. First, Doug was outside talking to Jeremy when the cops rolled up for one of their patrols of the area. They asked if everything was alright, and Doug told one of the officers that Jeremy had heroin up his butt. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! The cops thought it was funny but Jeremy didn't. Then, a bit later in the evening, Jeremy's mother marched down to Jester's to find Jeremy and to bring him home. AAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! She said he had an interview the next day and he wasn't supposed to be there. When your mother has to go down to the local watering hole and drag your ass out of there then you have probably failed in life. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! What a hilarious bunch of crap! I woke up Saturday morning not feeling too hungover, but the more things change the more they stay the same because Doug never went to bed, he was still drinking, and some dude who dresses up like a woman was at the house. The cross-dresser started eating my Pringles so I took them away and told him to disappear. What a bunch of crap! Doug took off with the guy and eventually passed out on his couch or something. We boozed again Saturday night, and
we had a nice fire. Doug was wasted like Doc-J and 8-Ball from Full
Metal Jacket so he passed out on my lawn by the fire around
2200. Gav, Tommy, and I stayed up pretty late drinking that night. Since
the weather was good and I didn't have to work on Monday we decided to
drink again Sunday night. One of the funnier things from Sunday night
was Tommy's epic burger: It's a 4-patty behemoth on a cheap
Hannaford bun! I cooked five burger patties, but we only had two buns
so Tommy overcame that obstacle pretty fast. (Doug and I had already eaten
earlier.) There must be a pound or more of meat on that thing. Was it
delicious? He seemed excited to find out: We had another fire Sunday night, I got drunk and paid for a taxi downtown since Jester's was closed, and I'm glad that when I went to look at my online bank account earlier I saw no charges. That means I didn't spend a ton of money because I only had maybe 50 bucks in my wallet and a few dollars were still left in there. Sunday was a lot of fun as well, but again Doug stayed up and drank ALL FUCKING NIGHT. I hate it when he does that. Even worse to have Mom and Pop come up and see him all wasted. It's a bunch of crap! He needs to go to bed and not drink all damn night. I went for a 3-mile jog yesterday evening and that was a shit-show. It took me 25:18 and I had to walk some of it. All that boozing definitely caught up with my ass. I never felt too hungover at any one point, but it certainly took its toll. I didn't work on the house a whole lot over the weekend. I need to get that place done, damnit! I did a bit of painting and I did get the bartop installed, though. In other news, the Red Sox suck this
year. Real bad. They just lost ten games in a row before finally winning
a game yesterday. What a bunch of crap! I should go lift a few weights
in the gym and then go work on the house for a bit. It's already 1420.
The day is gonna be over before I know it! I have to get my billing statements
ready for next month's rent as well so I probably won't even get back
to the house until 1600. I guess I'll just plan to work on the house tomorrow.
Oh wait, I gotta mow some rental property lawns again tomorrow. What a
bunch of crap! Saturday, 5-24-14: I'm
back in action! My desktop computer would randomly freeze up and sometimes not even boot up. For a few days I was able to use the thing for a bit, but then it got worse in a real hurry. The desktop did that a while back, but then it somehow fixed itself (Maybe I reformatted it?) Unfortunately, this time around there was no saving it. Finally the computer got to the point where it wouldn't even boot up at all. What a bunch of crap! Fortunately, Gavin had a spare computer that he wasn't using anymore so last Saturday evening as we were having a beer he brought it over to my office and got it set up for me. He was even able to save the hard-drive from my old computer so I didn't lose any data. That's what I call a win! The computer is fairly badass; he built it with awesome parts and stuff. He has something newer now so this one was his spare. I offered to buy it from him, but he said no to that so I owe him a lot. Gavin is the anti-mooch! He always gives way more than he takes. My house is a lot closer to done now, and Doug is back for a couple weeks! Doug got in on Wednesday night, and we've been hanging out and getting stuff for my house over the past couple days. I bought a couch and loveseat yesterday, and the day before we shopped for some furniture and I did find some great barstools for my center-island/breakfast bar. I'll obviously post photos of that thing as it nears completion. Right now the bar is just plywood and OSB; I'll do the finish work on it over the next few days. The barstools were $100 each (I bought 3) but I did have a 20% off coupon so that saved me some loot. We looked at both Target and Wal Mart, but in the end Bed Bath and Beyond got my business because they had the best stools. I normally hate that lame chick-store, but I was loving the place on Thursday evening as I was dumping a few hundred bucks on the barstools and a couple other smaller things. I wouldn't have even considered Bed Bath and Beyond, but I got that 20% off coupon in the mail that very day so Doug and I checked out their webpage on his bootleg laptop computer. I'm glad we did! I have some photos in my digital camera that I should upload. Getting them now... Here is what the house looked like
a few days ago before I finished framing the bar: I must have taken that picture last Monday or Tuesday. Now it's painted and there's a bar in the center. I had to bust my ass to get it looking at least halfway presentable for when Doug got back. My goal was to finish all the sheetrock work, to paint the area where the bar would be, to frame the bar, and to clean the place. I was only barely able to meet that goal. Good thing Doug didn't arrive until close to 2200 Wed. night or else I would have still been working on it! This morning I went to the dump with a huge load of crap. It's free dump week for the city's annual spring cleanup so Gav and I have been taking advantage of that. Yesterday we went with a huge truck and trailer load of debris from the apartment he's renovating at his new dwelling across the street. Here is my garage trash-heap from a few days ago:
So my house still needs paint on a lot of the walls, some ceiling paint, a lot of trim work, the breakfast-bar finishing, and a new floor in the kitchen and living room. I'll pick away at it over the next couple weeks that Doug is back, but I won't work 12+ hours days like I had been working (including UPS, the apartments, and working on my own house over the last 1.5 weeks or so.) I'm gonna get off this bootleg thing now, go over to Gavin's and see if he needs a hand with his renovation project and ask him when the hell I went to bed last night. I'm guessing midnight/0100, but I can't remember. Thankfully I'm not hungover today! I woke up around 0745 and Doug was still up drinking with some guy who likes to dress up as a woman. I told them the party was over and to get to bed. There were empty booze bottles and it smells like puke near my bathroom. What a bunch of crap! I think someone chundered in the hopper and a little spilled on the side. It wasn't me, though. I have no clue and I'm guessing Doug won't remember either. That guy drank half my frigging rum so I'm sure he's still drunk. What a bunch of crap! I'll try to get some more photos for
my next update. It feels good to be back online with a working computer
so I can update this bootleg site that no one reads! Tuesday, 5-13-14: I wonder? The weather has been perfect over the last couple days. Mostly sunny, low 70s, and decent humidity. It's great when I can install joint compound and then it 100% dries by the next morning. I can get some fresh air moving through the place when I open the slider and front door so that helps with the drying and dust as well. Today I haven't worked on the place yet, but it's only 1145 so I'll head over after I shovel in some lunch. I've been good about taking breaks from the house to do some apartment stuff and to exercise. I want to get the house done ASAP, but I can't sacrifice my entire life to the place. Working too many hours = what a bunch of crap! There isn't much at the house to entertain me. I did buy a used ACER laptop computer the Sunday before last from a guy who knows a guy who used to work with me at Circuit City, but the thing was kinda bootleg so now he's fixing it for me. I absolutely love the laptop, but when I would use it the bootleg thing would shut off after 1, 5, 15, or maybe as many as 30 minutes of use. What a bunch of crap! Edit 5-24-14: My old bootleg desktop computer died so this was as far as I could get on this update. What a bunch of crap! Saturday, 5-10-14: Work
began before 0500 this morning. It's still only 1215 so I should have
time to work on the house some this afternoon. I might take a nap and
then lift some weights before I head back to the house. If the weather
improves I might even make time for a jog. Here is what my living room
looked like just before I came to the office: Yesterday Gavin helped me move the washer and dryer into the cellar and I helped him move his couch and bed into his new apartment. He officially lives right across the street from my office now. Awesome! Moving his couch was a bitch because it seemingly weighs 150 pounds and it's big. We did damage to some trim getting it out of his old apartment at the "old folks' home" and then we did even more damage to his door trim getting it into his new spread. What a bunch of crap! We needed Tommy to help us so we could have officially been three stooges. Moving furniture and appliances up and down stairs = not good times. I still have a little sheetrock to
hang and then I can focus on mud and tape in the living room. In the bathroom
I already have the new shower installed and working thanks to my plumber
putting in some quality time yesterday, but I'm still planning to use
the downstairs bathroom for the next couple days or so because, well,
see for yourself: I still need to mud/tape/sand, I need to rip out the rest of the old floor, and I need to remove the toilet and vanity so I can get the 1972-ish tiles off the remaining walls. I'll install a new vanity and medicine cabinet, but the crapper is still in great shape so I can re-use that. The vanity and medicine cabinet in there now aren't terrible, but they're not too great either and I might as well just do it right while I have it all torn up. Maybe I can re-use the old vanity and medicine cabinet at one of my bootleg rental properties! I guess I should get off this ghetto
computer before it crashes. I gotta stay motivated so I can get my precious...
precious house done! Wednesday, 5-07-14: Another
busy day for me today! It feels good to be outside working again. It was in the mid 60s today and mostly sunny earlier when I was outside so maybe I can start getting a tan (or a burn.) Between rent collections, pot-hole filling, mowing, weedwacking, and dealing with other misc. little things I totally used up the afternoon. It is gone. The Nothing came and took it away like it once took away the beautiful lake from the Rock Biters in the North in The Neverending Story. One of the other smaller bullcrap things that I have to deal with is this:
I was standing in the parking lot
of the nearby I've owned my house for two weeks, and Doug is coming to visit in two weeks so I need to MOTIVATE. I think my remodel is halfway done. Maybe? I'm kinda on-schedule with it still. It felt good today to check off a lot of misc. rental-property crap so hopefully later this week and all weekend I can really drop the hammer and get my house renovation moving along at a faster pace. The new shower is installed and Bruce should start hooking it up on Friday. I plan to start sheetrock tomorrow; if I can get all my sheetrock work done within a week then I'll still have a week to paint, install trim, etc. I need to get off this thing because I have a few other things to do still. This a-hole computer has crashed about five times today so it's a miracle it's actually working now. I took the side-panel off so it could breathe. Not sure that actually made a difference or not. It wasn't that dusty in there so I dunno? Guy proofreads, clicks save, and uploads before this bootleg thing dies again. A failing computer = what a bunch of crap! I have a lot more stuff that I could
write about, but I gots to roll. Maybe tomorrow or Friday I can post updated
photos of my home renovation if this gods damned computer actually works.
I did buy a laptop computer for my house, but I have nothing but Internet
on it yet. I gotta get on it and do some program installs so I can update
this trash from my new home. What a bunch of crap! Monday, 5-05-14: Turkeys
and fire. We started hunting a bit after 0800 in a good piece of woods off Rt. 90 and in behind Gavin's Dad's place. We set up the decoys and started calling, and not too long after that we had turkeys answering back and heading our way. Awesome! As an added bonus the turkeys appeared to be coming in from a narrow field and directly through my setup. Unfortunately, the damn turkeys just stayed in the field forever. I kept thinking they would head through the alders and right to the decoys, but the assholes were content in the field. What a bunch of crap! I could see the field through the alders, it was maybe 60 or 70 yards away, but that's too far for a shotgun and the alders plugged up any shooting lane anyway. Finally I got sick of waiting for the turkeys to come to us so I started sneaking up on them. I had to take a long time and low-crawl so they didn't see my ass, and finally I was able to get close enough to have one shooting lane. I had to crouch down and wait, and then the turkeys started leaving. I thought I was pwned, but then one last Jake (male young adult turkey) was still there, he stepped into my shooting lane, he raised his red-colored head, and I gave him the business. Because I was crouched down the shotgun blast literally knocked me on my ass. HAHAHAHAHA! Jake the turkey was flopping around in the field in the throes of death so I had to scoot my arse over to him and stomp his neck a couple times. One shot, one kill! After that adventure we went further into the woods and set up again, this time in the oak. We called for about 15 minutes, but nothing happened. We were nearing the point of giving up and moving elsewhere when turkeys started responding from further down in the woods. Oh Jesus, hell ya! Turkeys are very vocal; I wish deer were as loud as turkeys because it would make deer hunting a LOT easier. However, the turkeys didn't get any closer so once again I had to crawl/sneak my ass down to their location. I had a stone wall to hide behind, I popped up and used a large rock from the wall as a rest, and I was able to pick off one of the three birds. I blasted another Jake. Two shots, two kills! The bag-limit on turkeys is two bearded
males in the spring season so I'm all done until October. Pop took a picture
of my "trophy" birds: I shot the two Jakes about an hour apart from each other. I was all done before lunch! I had plenty of time to load up some of Grammy and Papa's old furniture that Mom and Pop wanted to purge from their house (two dressers and a small bookcase), clean out my birds, eat lunch with Pop, and head on home. I even had time to take a 30-minute power nap before Tommy and Gav came over for some boozing, fire, and pizza that night. Here is the aftermath of Saturday night:
We stayed up until after 0300 and I drank way too much beer. We torched up some of my construction debris, and we had a good time. Gav drop-kicked some stupid yard-gnome right the hell off of my property and into "Shrek's Swamp" out back. Good riddance to that bootleg thing! I didn't get up yesterday until 1230. HAHAHAHAHAHA! I woke up with a hangover, but thankfully it went away after a couple hours. In hindsight drinking that much beer Sat night was unwise, but I'll probably do it again at some point in the future. We never even left the house; we just burned stuff in the fire pit, got boozed up, and hung out. Fun times! Alright slapnuts, all two of youz,
I gotta lift a few weights in the gym and then go work on my bootleg house.
I almost have the upstairs shower ready to remove. Then I can frame up
the new shower and hopefully have Bruce (my plumber) start hooking it
up when he comes tomorrow PM. I have A LOT to do over the next couple
weeks. I only worked on my house for a couple hours this weekend. What
a bunch of crap! Time to motivate... Thursday, 5-01-14: Progress
on the new house.
In just over a week of ownership and
work on the house I've accomplished the following: Today I'm not working on my house yet because I had some tenant crap to take care of after the UPS shift ended. I have a 4-bedroom apartment that will now be occupied with 18 and 19-year old chicks. Think that will end badly? I told the girls earlier during my speech that they need to be a team, even when they hate each other down the road. No way four girls are gonna live together for a year without having some kind of bullshit drama. It is simply not possible. One of them will get pokerized by one of the other one's boyfriends or something. Guaranteed. Why did I decide to rent to four young chicks you ask? Well one of the chicks already lived there, her sister and two other roommates hit the road, and the one lone survivor decided to stay and get new roommates. It might be a mistake in the long-run, but I'll just drop the hammer (sledgie!) if things get out of hand over there. One of the chicks I haven't even met yet because she's still in high school. AAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! OMG! And in case you're thinking I rented to them because I want some young tail I gotta say NO WAY to that. I ain't macking on any broads right now, especially ones who aren't even old enough to buy booze. Doug will be back in three weeks to visit and he can have at it! I guess there is a lot more I could write about, but it's time to get my swell on in the gym and then go work on the house for a couple hours. I feel like I have a LOT to do, but I still have three weeks before Doug comes back to visit so I guess that's plenty of time to mostly put my bootleg house back together and get important things like furniture in there. For now the 2x10 and lawn chair work just fine for me, though. Goonies never say die! |