11-29-15: I'm 40 years young.
I’m 40 years old now. Is that old? When I was
younger I used to think 40 was old, but perspective has a way of changing
with each passing year. I feel great for 40. I'm healthy and fit. I consider
that a blessing from the Gods who do not really exist. I wish I could
give my health to my wife; she hasn't been feeling well lately and by
lately I mean most of this year.
Hard to believe I was in my 20s when I started this pathetic
bootleg site that almost no one reads. We didn’t do much celebrating
for my birthday yesterday, and that suits me just fine. I actually worked
a bit yesterday mostly finishing up this roof:

^Jeremy is putting on the last of the cap shingles. Epic fail by me letting
the mortar for the south (left side) chimney to splooge all over the roof.
What a bunch of crap! Oh well, in a year or so it will (hopefully) wash
away. So far we've had a few rainstorms since I spilled that wet mortar
all over the place, and it has washed off a little.
All the shingles are on now, and another hour this afternoon should do
it for me. (Assuming Jeremy did his damn job, which is 50/50.) Then I
can send the photos to the owners and get paid. It’s only 19 degrees
outside right now so I won’t be finishing anything until it warms
up into the mid 30s. The roof ended up taking longer than I anticipated;
in a perfect world we would have gotten it done in 2.5 weeks. Now, 4 weeks
later, we’re finally done. However, we didn’t work full time
hours on the thing, ever. We did have a milder than average November with
not too much precipitation so that helped us a lot, especially earlier
in the month.
My profit from that roof will be just a hair over $2000. Not horrible,
but an average of about $20 per hour isn’t fantastic considering
the scope of work and the risk involved. One wrong move and bye bye profit/bye
bye life if I fell from the peak or onto something unforgiving. I thought
I was gonna have to pay for the neighbor’s flat tire because she
parked right near our debris when I noticed it was flat last week, but
she said the tire had a screw it in and we only used nails so I got a
lucky break. Gavin went around with his magnet and found a lot of nails
on his side. I need to borrow that magnet and see if I can recover more
nails from the other side and near the road.
In hindsight I would have still done the roof, but I would have charged
a bit more and I would have hired a more motivated helper. I put just
over 100 of my own hours into the job including materials purchase, debris
haul-off etc. If I charged them more I would have had a dumpster delivered
to the property. That would have saved a few hours of my own time. Five
trips to the dump cost me $95, not horrible, but the time value of money
is a consideration as well. A dumpster would have cost a few hundred dollars,
I’d guess at least $400. Those shingles are heavy and there was
A LOT of debris. There is actually still a small amount of trash to remove,
but 90% of it is gone.
I did the roof for $5300, $500 less than my original estimate of $5800.
Thankfully I make a profit just managing the property so in the end it
was worth it even at the lower $5300 price. Now I need to see how I can
help the owners recover the $2400 or so that they paid to David Watson
of Madison. (Watson’s Home Repair.) He took half their money and
refused to finish claiming bogus needs as detailed in the recent archives
of this bootleg site. I hope they can get their money back because that
“contractor” really screwed them over. If they can get it
to court they will win in a landslide, but they live in Rhode island so
the logistics of that will be challenging. The owner is 67 years old and
disabled so that makes it even worse for them.
Now I can resume focus on the work left to be done here at our own house.
Yesterday Bruce ran some heating ducts and hopefully this morning I can
get most of my electrical work finished when Ben and his boys come over.
I’m hoping to start the ceiling in Kat’s soon-to-be studio
this morning. Here is what it looks like as of 0730:
Once the ceiling is done I can install window trim and the floor, baseboard,
and then it’s done. I could have it done by Tuesday if all goes
well. After that it’s just the waiting game again as I coordinate
with Bruce and Bob for the furnace install. That needs to be a top priority
because right now it’s below freezing out there and I need to go
fire up the kerosene heater.
For my birthday I got a $100 Lowe’s gift card from Mom and Pop.
A great gift! I went down for an evening hunt in one of Pop’s favorite
spots, the little field out at the Prison Farm. I didn’t see any
deer. What a bunch of crap! We had leftover Thanksgiving fixings as Mom
shit on our pet situation for the 100th time. “I can’t
believe how many pets you have. Your house is way too small…”
She makes me not want to even go visit, but thankfully Pop doesn’t
shit on me, ever. All he wants to do is hang out and go hunting.

^Pop has gotten a lot of deer here over the years, but not me. I fail!
Kat got me the best gift of all, this gift:
OH JESUS HELL YA! It's parts 1-3. She got me Rambo 4 last year so now
I own all of them. There are bonus features, deleted scenes, etc. so I
can’t wait to check that all out. What a great gift. My wife rocks!
We also went out to eat and then to see The Hunger Games part 4 (final
one) with Katherine, and she paid for lunch since it was my birthday.
I enjoyed the movie, but I didn’t think it was as good as parts
2 and 3. Overall a well-done series of films, though.
Thursday, 11-26-15: More
deer hunting fail.
I failed again as a deer hunter last night. What a
bunch of crap!
Yesterday afternoon/evening’s hunt was another awesome one. I’ve
only gone five times all year, each time at my favorite Supertree spot
with my bow, but I’ve had a great ratio of deer sightings and action.
Yesterday just on the walk into Supertree I had deer running all over
the place. First was a 4-pointer at the back end of the cemetery where
I park. Second were two does running across the front end of the little
field back in the woods, and third was another deer running across the
trail at the back end of that same field. A good start, very promising
to have that much deer action, especially at only 1430. (Full moon fever?)
I got to my spot at Supertree and was set up to hunt at about 1450. It
was a great evening to hunt with light wind, some snow on the ground,
and a temp of around 30. At just after 1530 two deer arrived, and my trail
cam caught them in action:
^Smaller deer off to the right behind some brush. Time was actually 1536,
not adjusted for Daylight Savings because I suck.
I had a great opportunity to try a broadside shot at the smaller of the
two deer, but I was greedy so I waited for the larger doe. The deer had
no idea I was there, and I sat still like a boss whenever they were within
eyesight of my position. Once both of them had their heads turned/behind
a tree to me I was able to draw and take a shot at the bigger doe. A miss.
What a bunch of crap!
Fortunately she only bounded off a few yards then kept feeding under the
same apple tree back to another shot opportunity. This time I felt more
confident (and lucky for a second chance!) so I patiently drew and let
my arrow fly. The way she reacted I thought I missed again because she
ran off a bit, stopped, walked some, and then finally ran away. I was
hopeful it was a kill shot, but I was filled with doubt. I sat tight for
another 15 or 20 minutes before sneaking over to the tree to look for
arrows and blood. No blood, no arrows. Shit!
I kept looking around and finally was barely able to discern a little
line in the snow that an arrow might make, I dug around, and I saw some
of my bright arrow fletching. No blood on that arrow. One found, one to
go. I kept searching, I expanded my search radius, and after a few more
minutes (felt like an eternity when looking and not knowing for sure)
I found some blood in the snow. A hit, nice! The blood was a good 20 yards
from where she was when I shot her so she didn’t bleed immediately.
By then it was just about sunset and the light was fading so I decided
to get the hell out of there and search in the morning. The forecast was
for cold so I knew the blood trail and deer meat would be preserved, but
I was concerned that if I did down that doe coyotes could find her in
the night. That happened to Pop last year when he shot his deer, and it
was horrible.
I’ve had bad luck trying to follow a blood trail in low light when
I wasn’t certain about my shot in past hunting excursions so the
decision to leave for the night was easy to make. I didn’t want
a wounded deer to spook and run deep into the woods, screw that, so I
let the woods settle and went home. I got home, uploaded my 245 trail
cam pics (6 days worth. Awesome!) and was amazed to see this photo:
get very excited.)
Another cool photo of a bear in there last night making a half-assed attempt
to climb Supertree:
I wonder if that's the same bear as last year? Pretty cool to know there
is a bear hanging out in there, as long as he doesn't try to eat me of
course. I've had other trail cam photos of him as well, but not that many
and always at night.
I arrived in the woods at first light to look for that doe today. I picked
up the blood trail and followed for about 40 yards until I found my arrow.
It was bloody and had deer hair on it halfway up the shaft. A little further
along was some more blood and a good amount of it so I was hopeful I would
find my steaks and burger at any moment. Unfortunately, the blood trail
disappeared so I had to look for a very long time before I was able to
pick it up again. I had it, I lost it, and so it went for a while and
for a couple hundred yards before I lost it for good in the deep, thick,
coniferous woods. To add insult to injury as I was standing by the last
drop of blood that I could find I saw motion off to my right and there
was a spikehorn deer just ambling along about 25 yards away from me. That
deer had no clue I was there, but I didn’t have my bow and wouldn’t
have shot at him anyway. Can’t be too greedy and have two deer to
try to find. It was awesome seeing him walk on by, though.
So after 3 hours of looking for that deer I gave up. I’m a piece
of shit for failing again, and I hope that deer just bled a bit and will
recover to live a good life. The snow helped me a tremendous amount; without
it I might not have found any blood or my arrow. The deer sign in the
woods at my Supertree spot is fantastic so I think I could go back a couple
more times before the season ends and have another chance. Unfortunately,
I don’t deserve another chance.
I’ve had three chances so far this year to shoot a deer on two different
hunts and both times I have come home with nothing but empty hands and
a heavy heart. Gods damn it! I should just quit for the season, but not
yet because I want deer meat and I want to earn it myself. Tomorrow PM
I plan to go down to Mom and Pop’s to rifle hunt so I still have
a chance. The question is will I blow that chance?
11-25-15: Roof finish fail.
We got a couple inches of wet snow Sunday night. Thankfully
it wasn’t enough to require my bootleg rentals to be plowed ($150
a storm. What a bunch of crap!) However, it wasn’t something that
the forecasters predicted in the days prior so it was a bit of a surprise.
Only on Sunday a mere few hours before the storm began did they predict
accumulating snow for us here in the Bangor area.
Often times our first snow of the season happens in November so it’s
not unusual. Unfortunately, often times our first snow melts fast and
this time that is not the case. Ever since the last flake fell we have
been at or way below freezing so now, nearly three days later, there is
still snow on the ground. Even worse, there is still snow on this roof:

WHAT A BUNCH OF CRAP! It’s 18 degrees right now with a forecast
high of 33 today so I don’t expect much of that to melt. If the
sun would hit it then no problem, but that west side doesn’t really
get the sun this time of year. Epic fail. Of course it’s gonna warm
up tomorrow on Thanksgiving and be in the low 50s by Friday, the two days
I have plans and can’t finish the thing. I could finish it Saturday,
but we will only be in the 30s again that day.
This roof is so close to being done, probably 98%, and I only need a few
more hours to tidy everything up. Unfortunately, when winter hits this
time of year it can stick around for a while. If Jeremy and I worked a
little more on it earlier in the month it would have been done by now,
but I hired a lazy drunk as my assistant and I have 50,000 other things
going on so oh well.
I don’t get my $5300 paycheck for that job until that roof is done
so I guess what I can’t finish today will have to get done tomorrow
and Friday. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, and I have no desire to work since
I’d rather go deer hunting and then spend the rest of the day here
with the family eating food and watching football. I’m planning
to go down to the midcoast to deer hunt Friday, but I may have to only
make time for the evening sit down there so I can try to finish that roof
in the morning up here. I should just cancel my trip to Mom and Pop’s,
but fuck that I haven’t been down there even once to deer hunt with
my 30.06 and come hell or high water I am going gods damn it.
This fall has been a disaster, and it’s my own fault. I’ve
taken on way too much work, we have two dogs who suck, my wife hasn't
been healthy, and I’ve learned a very important lesson about time
management. I haven’t even been able to use the gym or go deer hunting
that often because I have been so busy. It won’t get much better
after I finish that roof either because I have this home renovation to
work on and then the JH tax job begins. What a bunch of crap! Hopefully
by next spring I can reduce the amount of work that I have going on.
Kat and I did spend Monday night down in Portland, and that was a nice
little break from the stresses of the world. For the first time in my
life I did a little Christmas shopping early. I suck at Christmas shopping
and I don’t even like Christmas, but Kat is helping me be less of
a scrooge. We did some shopping, we ate some good food, and we watched
the Patriots improve to 10-0 as they narrowly beat the Bills. Unfortunately,
we found out that we have to spend several hundred dollars more on the
vehicles to get them up to par. Her Mountaineer needs brake work, and
my truck needs new front pads and rotors. I had new tires installed while
we were gone so bye bye $740 for that. (Original tires got me nearly 59,000
miles and over 5 years. Not bad!) An extra several hundred will be needed
for the brake work on the vehicles as well so I really need to finish
that roof ASAP so we have that precious... precious money rolling back
Sunday, 11-22-15: Can't
wait to rehome Crowley.
On a scale of 1-10 our two puppies suck-level is about
a 9 right now. I actually am at the point where I pretty much hate them.
This morning I was thinking that if one of them died I would not even
be sad at all. What a bunch of crap! Probably individually they are okay,
but together it's normally holy hell. We do plan to re-home Crowley, but
he has an unknown defect that needs to be addressed before we can do that.
We took both dogs to the vet midweek, and Crowley's beta level is a 14
when it should be between 0-2. It's not a beta level; isn't a beta a fish?
Maybe white blood level? I forget, and I don't even care... whether or
not I care. However, I do care because we can't find him a new home until
we find out when his body is a 14 when it should be a 2.

To make matters worse Crowley is Katherine's dog, but she
has school, babysitting, and now swimming several times a week so she
is rarely available to even do the basics with her dog like feed him,
let him out to go poop, walk him, etc. That means Kat and I get stuck
dealing with him most of the time. When Katherine is home she doesn't
even give a shit about him either. It's just a fucking disaster with these
dogs right now. I seriously do hate them, and that is sad.
The morning routine with the dogs is get woken up by one
or both of them (I don't really sleep in anymore anyway so I can deal
with that.) The puppies race outside to take a fast piss, and thankfully
I don't have to hook them outside for that because they always come right
back on a dead run. They know they get fed in the morning so they have
incentive to come back in, but otherwise if you put them outside not on
a leader they won't come back in; they will dig holes and they will look
for shit to eat as they both ignore calls to come.
So first thing in the morning the one small victory is the
fact the dogs come back in right away. I get them their food next, and
that sucks because they are sticking their faces as close as possible
to the bowls and food tote as I try to ration it out. They can't be fed
together because they will get into a nasty dog fight so I put Crowley
in the crate to feed him then Castiel can eat in the kitchen. However,
yesterday Crowley got possessive of the crate so now we have to feed him
elsewhere. Gods damn it!
After I feed their asses I try to get myself a bowl of cereal.
I can normally have a few bites before one of the two fuck-tard dogs starts
scratching at the door to go back out. Time to poop! I often make them
wait a few minutes so I can shovel in my cereal and watch the weather,
but they are persistent and it gets annoying. I can't put them outside
together anymore because we have to regulate their poop. It needs to be
cleaned up ASAP because they will literally take a shit, turn around,
and start to eat it. Castiel actually beat me to it this morning, that
yellow dopey fucker.
I was able to scoop up Crowley's poop and toss it over the
fence, no prob. His shit looked like it had pieces of cloth or something
like that in it, only the 1000th time that has happened since we got the
two terrors at the end of May. They will literally eat anything so what
comes out the other end looks scary at times. They will even try to eat
months ago Crowley took a shit that was literally the colors of the rainbow
because he was eating a colored blanket in his crate. OMG FAIL. I'm amazed
his intenstinal tract can even function anymore considering the various
things that pass through it. Cardboard, pieces of toys, dirt, grass, weeds,
cloth, etc etc. It's totally ridiculous.
We got these fuckstains off Craigslist. Sometimes you win
off Craigslist and sometimes it is epic fail. My laptop computer came
from Craigslist for around $200 and that has been great over the course
of 1.5 years. The owners of the property I manage hired a "roofer"
off Craigslist and he took half their money and refused to do the work.
I once bought a rafting trip for 8 for $350 off Craigslist, a great deal.
I list apartment rentals on Craigslist and have gotten some great tenants
as a result. Our dogs, you know how the story goes. We paid $1300 for
them both, too. Gods damn it!

So this morning I successfully scooped up and tossed Crowley's
still-steaming shit over the fence and into the Swamps of Sadness in the
woods beyond. A lot of dog shit ends up back there because I shovel it
right over. Kat thinks it's a bad idea, but it biodegrades and never stinks.
Next it was Castiel's turn so I was right there and ready to scoop. One
nugget hit the ground so I scooped it, but while I was scooping that turd
up he launched another smaller little final piece, he immediately turned
around, and he gobbled it up before I could stop him. I was only a foot
will go back inside and try to lick your face if you get to his level.
Fuck this shit.
I have to go work on the roof at the building I manage,
the same roof we started three weeks ago. I only have a few hours left,
but I don't think I can get it 100% done today because rain is coming
this afternoon and then 1-3" of snow tonight. Yesterday there was
no measurable snow in the forecast and only the call for some showers
so at some point in the night their new model runs pushed a coastal storm
further inland and now we are pwned. What a bunch of crap! Hopefully we
only get an inch at most so I don't have a plowing bill to pay.
In conclusion, we need to get rid of Crowley ASAP because
being home with both dogs absolutely sucks. It's not fun anymore. I could
complain about the dogs for another hour, write about all the times they
jump all over us on the couch, try to steal our food, hump each other,
etc. However, I have work to do so nevermind. The end.

11-20-15: Another busy week next week.
This roof job is a double-edged sword. I’m gonna
make a couple grand, but it has taken up a lot of my precious… precious
time. Thankfully it’s almost all done. Tomorrow will be a few hours
of cleanup, two or three trips to the dump. After that only a few hours
of work remain for both Jeremy and I. However, Jeremy is unmotivated so
it will probably be several total hours for me and a couple for him. What
a bunch of crap! If all goes perfectly I can finish it this coming weekend,
email all the photos to the owners, and get paid.
The $5300 from that roof will be good to receive since we need to dump
a bunch of money into vehicle repairs and maintenances, we need to do
Christmas shopping, and of course there are the other regular bills to
pay. I still owe the IRS a bit of money, but I don’t know exactly
how much and the only way to find out is to call them. Get this, I tried
calling them yesterday just after supper, I pressed 2 when it said
“To find out how much you need to pay off your debt press this option.”
And then it said “Sorry we are too busy so call back
the next business day.” That wasn’t the verbatim
message, but you get the gist. OMG WHAT A BUNCH OF CRAP! HEY IRS HOW ABOUT
I need to get this bill paid off ASAP so I can be a tax preparer again
for Jackson Hewitt this coming season. I don’t think I can get a
PTIN if I owe the IRS, and I need a PTIN to prepare taxes. This year Jackson
Hewitt is actually doing a background check on their applicants. I guess
last year they decided to take just anyone so I got in. Hehehehe. I’m
already hired. I think? I had to do some bootleg online assessment where
they ask dumbass questions like “Am I a scumbag, puke, piece of
shit?” Then you select from the following options : STRONGLY
choice came up a lot on the test so I chuckled whenever I saw it. I shoulda
clicked on that just to be silly, but I already bailed on one seasonal
job (USPS) so I should take this opportunity seriously. Sorta need the
money to pay for the home renovations.
Next week will be BUSY. In addition to trying to put the finishing touches
on that roof Kat and I are going to spend Monday night in Portland for
a break from the world and to do some shopping. We have to go to Waterville
anyway to get the Mountaineer serviced so from there we will continue
southbound to Maine’s biggest city. I also need to drop the truck
off Monday AM at the shop up here so they can put on new tires, fix the
brakes, and give me a sticker. My inspection expired in June. What a bunch
of crap! The tires and sticker alone will be $800, and the brakes sound
like metal on metal since Monday so I’m guessing at least new pads
are needed. Hopefully nothing too costly beyond that, but the truck is
5+ years old now so I’m sure some parts are failing.

^I should trade in my truck and get a pink tank. Hehehe.
Overall my F150 has been great to me. I’ve never had any major problems.
A few years back I had a key stop working so they replaced the whole dash
computer, but that was under warranty and didn't cost me any money. Turns
out it was just the key. I think? I love my truck. I treat it like shit
and it treats me better. I never clean it, but I do get oil changes and
I don’t drag race in the thing. My original tires got me close to
60k miles and over 5 years. Not bad!
We will get back from Portland at some point on Tuesday, and then I can
finish that roof, celebrate Thanksgiving, and hopefully next Friday go
down to Mom and Pop’s for a quick visit and a few hours in the woods.
Pop is all excited to stick me in his favorite hunting spot at the farm
in the little field since he is tagged out, and I would love to sneak
up in there for an evening hunt. I do prefer to hunt up here because deer
are all over the place at Supertree, but if I hunt that spot more than
say once a week it will get used up. A hunting spot can burn out fast
if you go to it too much. You leave scent and deer wise up fast.
I haven’t done much on the home renovation since I started the roof,
but Kat’s studio is painted and looks like a real room now instead
of a cluttered catch-all. We need heat out there and then I can do the
suspended ceiling, floor, and trim. Once that is done her studio can be
operational, and that will be awesome. However, I’m thinking it
will be a couple or three more weeks before all that happens. My heating
guy sucks ass. Seems like a decent guy, but is overwhelmed with work and
his wife’s poor health so he can’t keep up. He was supposed
to start my heat install last weekend, but he bailed. What a bunch of
crap! If he doesn't come tomorrow I will threaten his life. Hehehe.

^Kat's studio last Sunday. She painted it Monday, and now it really looks

^The other two walls of her soon-to-be studio. Now that it is painted
I am just waiting for the heating ducts to be run overhead to feed the
upstairs rooms. After that I can install a suspended ceiling, flooring,
and trim. If I had heat out there I could have her studio room 100% done
in just a couple full days of work.
I took some more pictures of the home remodel, but I will
save those for next time. I finished installing all the sheetrock in what
will be Katherine's bedroom, but my main focus has been that roof so I
haven't been working much at all on our own house. Thankfully the roof
is almost done so I can refocus on the most important project of all,
our own home expansion.
Thursday, 11-19-15: Late-night
at Tag's. Deer and roof photos. Plus my wife is hot.
It’s 2315, and I am hanging out at Tag’s
in Ellsworth with my lovely wife. There is a useless football game on
TV, the Jacksonville Jaguars vs. the Tennessee Titans. Jacksonville just
scored a TD to take a late-game 16-13 lead. Both teams suck, and I don’t
even care… whether or not I care who wins. Nevertheless I watched
a good part of the game in between reading a few articles and doing the
weekly Edge newspaper crossword puzzle. Even the crappy teams of the NFL
are watchable because football is awesome. (Not soccer futball. That is
horrible to watch and is a bunch of crap!)
Tommy turned 40 today. He’s out in AZ, and we texted back and forth
a few times. It was only a half a year ago when he moved out west, but
it seems like longer. In 9 days I will be 40. Go me! Both he and I are
in damn good shape for 40. So is Kat. Most 40-year oIds are getting fatter
and closer to dying, but I am in great shape right now. I feel pretty
good despite the fact that my right arm gets a little sore in the night
and wakes me up. Every time I do strenuous physical activity using my
right arm/shoulder for a prolonged period of time I think a nerve gets
pinched a little. Stripping the old shingles off this roof caused that
lately; it literally took hours upon hours to strip that roof. I would
say about an hour per square of the roof, no joke. At 22 square that is
a lot of work. Good exercise at least. I stripped the entire thing myself
over the course of the past two weeks, too. Every gods damned shingle.

^Epic frost. It was 19 degrees Wednesday AM, our coldest morning yet,
so I waited until 0845 when it had warmed up to a whopping 25 degrees
before I started stripping off the remaining old shingles. Being on a
frosty roof is very dangerous, but once I stripped off a section of the
old shingles there was no frost underneath so I had safe places to stand.
I started at the peak and worked my way down.

^Midafternoon before I quit to go deer hunting we almost had the final
west side done. It would have been done already if Jeremy was more motivated.
What a bunch of crap!

At least the back north side is 100% done including caulk, the little
siding pieces on the two dormers, etc.
I’m finishing up a Monster Energy drink and also watching the drunks
sing. Some are good, some are not, but just having singers is the goal
so I clap for them all regardless of talent. I suck at singing karaoke
myself. Hehehehe. I am kinda on duty with my MadKat DJ Services
hat and tee shirt on, the usual Thursday night outfit. I don’t wear
the MadKat gear to Jester’s on Friday because it’s frigging
Jester’s. Jester’s is a huge piece of shit bar, but it will
always and forever hold a special place in my heart because I met my best
friend there. Plus I do enjoy going still, at least in small doses and
when I have a couple drinks in me.
Kat picked up another karaoke gig, Wednesday nights at a place called
The Roost up in Orono. Sweet! I know she is
excited for that to begin in two weeks (Two weeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkkkssssssssssss!),
but we are concerned that it might be too much for her considering her
health lately. I told her I’d help out and learn how to be her substitute
karaoke DJ for when she’s not feeling well enough to work so tonight
she taught me a few things before the show started. I’m not afraid
of getting on the mic and introducing singers, etc. However, I am not
a good singer and the technology part of it all is still a bit beyond
my complete grasp. The technology I can master with training, but the
singing part not so much. I do love music, I often hum to myself and don’t
even realize it much to the amusement of those who pay attention to my
odd quirks, but singing is not something I ever plan to take seriously.

I went deer hunting for only the 4th time all season this afternoon, but
I didn’t see jack shit. I did swap out my SD card from the trail
cam, and I have 397 photos to check out. Not bad for 8 days! I haven’t
even looked at one of the photos yet so let’s see what we gots…

^I never adjusted my timestamp for Daylight Savings Time. What a bunch
of crap! Think he is horny for that little deer off to the left? It's
the rut, deer mating season, so he probably wants to stick his weiner
into anything at this point.
Now all I wanna do is go park my arse in the woods for about
a week straight until he walks on by again. However, I won’t really
do that because, come on. Lots of deer activity at this spot at all hours
of the day including legal times. Looks like deer go through there almost
every morning. A spikehorn in there at around 1000 a couple days ago.
Awesome! Oh great, I planned to go hunting yesterday PM and a whole crew
of deer was in there with plenty of daylight left. However, they look
like the same deer that I spooked a couple weeks ago so I’m sure
they came in looking for me. This is a GREAT hunting spot, perhaps the
best I’ve ever hunted in this hunt-fail state, so I will never tell
any of you exactly where is it. Hehehehe. All two of you who read this
bootleg crap.
I guess I am all done for the night. Fin. Hopefully I get a deer this
season. Only about 3 weeks left so I need to get on it.
Tuesday, 11-17-15: So glad
I am not doing the USPS job this year.
If I had taken that USPS seasonal job I would be getting
ready for my second day of duty. It would be the beginning of a 6-week
brutal stretch of working a ton of hours. Instead I am down to my last
few days of a roof replacement, this roof:

^Amazingly has not leaked, but as you can see is in rough shape and definitely
past time for new shingles. This is the west side, the final side we are
I'm already just over 2/3 done, but I wish I was 3/3 done already. It
is a big 22-square roof and I've done 3/4 of the frigging thing myself
because my helper is a drunken lazy-ass. He didn't even work with me yesterday
at all because, get this, he had to help his Mom get his yard ready for
winter. Apparently raking and bagging leaves was more important than making
money. He's broke, too. What a bunch of crap! All I wanna know is why?
Why did he not do that shit over the weekend or why couldn't he do it
later in the day after he got some hours in working for me? The simple
and most brutally honest answer; He is a Giblet-Head.
The final section is the 6-square west-facing side, and in theory that
should be the easiest of the three sides because there is only one dormer.
However, the sheathing is pretty rough in spots so I will have to waste
a big more precious... precious time fixing some of those spots. I still
have to strip off the old shingles on half that back side, roughly 3 more
square, and that will take a few hours as well. Stripping off the old
shingles from that gods damned roof takes a long time.

^Took me about 3.5 or 4 hours to strip that west side down to the sheathing,
about 3 square total. There is still another 3-ish square left to strip
off to the left. What a bunch of crap!
Last weekend I didn't work on that roof at all. Instead we worked here
at the house on the expansion. I sheetrocked and insulated upstairs, and
we got Kat's studio ready for painting. She painted that yesterday while
I did the roof job, and it looks great. If I can get this Giblet-Head
heating guy to motivate his ass then soon we will have heat out there.
If he doesn't get on top of it ASAP then he will get hauled on and I will
need to find someone else. Having to hire someone else at this point in
time = what a bunch of crap! However, I'm not gonna wait half the winter
for this time-management-failure of a guy to get his ass moving. Every
day we get closer and closer to the teeth of winter so I don't have much
time left to get it done. It's already so cold out there that we need
to run our kerosene heater to mud/sand/paint. On Sunday it was about 40
degrees in the upstairs room where I was working so I had to bundle up.
Rain is coming Friday so that gives me three more days to get that roof
covered. In a perfect scenario I'd have the thing 100% shingled by Thursday
PM, but I'm sure it won't be 100% done. The 2-square porch roof still
needs shingles as well as a small part of the north side so I plan to
put my helper on that, assuming he works at all this week. I really need
to get this roof done by the end of the week so I can get paid. Plus I
need to get back to work here at the house on the renovation. I need to
get Kat's studio, the laundry room, the bathroom, and Katherine's bedroom
all done before the end of the year.
Thankfully I am NOT working at the USPS this year or else I would be
in a time-management world of shit. Just a few more half-days on this
roof and I can check that off the list, get paid $5300, and profit about
$2000. That money will go towards Christmas and the home renovation. Seems
like a lot of money, but it has taken a lot of time and it is dangerous
work. Still I will average close to $20 per hour. Not bad since my original
budget had me averaging closer to $15 an hour for my own time and labor.
11-13-15: FREE DOG(S).
We got these two little "bundles of joy"
at the end of May, brothers from the same litter for $1300 total:

At first they were so cute and fun. It was a pleasure seeing
them explore the world and learn. They didn't even know how to walk up
and down the porch steps for the first couple days. We took them to the
park, we played with them, and we gave them a good home. They sometimes
did stupid shit like piss on the floor and eat things they shouldn't eat,
but we took it in stride because they were so young and they had so much
to learn still.
Now, months later, the puppies are much bigger. They're
not even puppy-size anymore, not even close. Castiel must be 70 pounds,
and Crowley has to be pushing 60 pounds. They are both just over 7 months
old so I don't know when the term "puppy" no longer applies
to them, but it must be close. They definitely should be trained well
enough to not fail as much at life anymore since they've been with is
for nearly 5 months. However, they still fail often and our patience has
worn thin.
We've been talking off and on for the past few weeks about
re-homing the puppies, and we finally decided to find a new home for Crowley.
The two dogs separetely are mostly tolerable, but together they are little
assholes. I actually don't even like them anymore, and that is sad. It's
very difficult just to feed them because they will get into dog fights
over EMPTY FUCKING BOWLS. They inhale their food then get weird with each
other in a bad way. More often than not Crowley starts the fight by coming
over to Castiel and his empty bowl, but that's not always the case. Sometimes
they get into fights over dog toys and stupid crap like one little piece
of cat food that got wedged under the baseboard two days ago. What a bunch
of crap!
Their occasional fighting with each other is not good. It
doesn't happen every day, but when it happens it totally sucks. Thankfully
neither of them has bitten one of us yet. Castiel had a little wound above
his eye a couple days ago, a narrow miss from his eyeball itself. Thanks,
Crowley. Most of the time they are just fine with each other, though.

When they fail I often just want to Karate-Kid kick them.
However, violence (usually) isn't a good solution, it just creates more
problems, so instead I will just be content to make a horrible bootleg
Photoshop Karate Kid NES game reference. What a bunch of crap! (I am P1
and the dogs combined are P2. I AM WINNING.) Now all I wanna do is play
old NES games with my wife. Once I finish all my work ( a year from now?)
I will sit on my arse and play old video games.
The dogs fucking hump each other, and they are brothers.
Epic fail. That picture above is so wrong yet so funny at the same time!
Where's my psychologist gods damn it?
The fighting is part of the reason that we are ready to
haul on at least one of the dogs, but not the only reason. They go outside
and dig fuckin' holes in random places in the yard, they roll around in
mud on wet days, they don't come when called, and they chase around the
cats sometimes. Sully, Kat's new kitten, is barely two pounds so one hard
chomp could kill him. The puppies haven't hurt him yet, but what if they
Oh, Castiel has developed a new and totally disgusting habit
of eating shit. OMG. He will go outside and just start eating dog shit.
This afternoon Crowley walked through some shit and then got it in the
house and on the couch when he jumped up on the furniture, which they
do 10,000 times a day. WHAT A BUNCH OF CRAP! I went outside tonight to
shovel away Chessa's poop, but Castiel beat me to it and started chowing
down on it before I could even see it. I could not see it in the dark.
Epic fail. I have noticed that Chessa's poop has been missing lately,
and I know why. The fucking dogs eat it. Gods damn it!
So I am totally sick of both dogs. They are smart enough
to know how to do it right, but they fail on a regular basis. Maybe if
I was the fucking dog whisperer like that TV show I've never watched I
would know how to get them to stand at attention and shit me Tiffany Cuff
Links, but I cannot influence them to do it right. None of us can. Plus
Kat has been sick, I have been working a ton, and Katherine is a teenager
with about 50 other priorities. Katherine probably loves Crowley (technically
her dog), but she doesn't show it unless it's some "selfie"
with her $700 fucking dollar smart I-Pad-phone. She takes zero initiative
to walk him, to play with him, or even to go out back and work with him
on commands unless we tell her to do so. She loves him just enough to
pose on occasion for a Failbook photo selfie-post. What a bunch of crap!
So if you want this dog let me know. He is seriously free
for the taking at this point:

^FREE FOR THE TAKING. He has been neutered,
he has his shots, and he needs a good home. I bet if he didn't have his
brother to misbehave with then he would be great. He's just too much for
Katherine and for all of us. I don't hate him, he is a cute dog with oodles
of energy, but right now he's not a good fit in our busy lives. Three
dogs are too much for us, especially when two of them are dinks. Chessa
is awesome, but the puppies are not awesome.
Once we re-home Crowley we will see how Castiel does, and
if he still continues to not come when called, to eat dog shit, and play
too rough with the cats then his ass will get evicted from the home. I
know it is harsh to just haul on a pet, but I'm not advocating we euthanize
either of them. Finding one or both of them a new home is not a bad thing
if it improves both our quality of life and their quality of life.
Final thought about Crowley. All I wanna know is why? Why
does he still occasionally piss on the floor? Castiel is 100% house trained,
but Crowley fails every once in a while. His fails are epic, too. He will
just stand there and unleash the flood gates all over our precious...
precious floor that cost 63 cents a square foot at Marden's. What a bunch
of crap! Then he looks all guilty because he knows better. Both of these
dogs are smart enough to know better, but they don't even care because
they do what they want.
In other news, Jeremy worked a whopping ten fucking hours
all week on that roof with me. EPIC FAIL. he literally lives right across
the street, too. His Mom came over to talk to me yesterday, and she asked
me if I gave him any money. I replied "Yeah, I paid him
yesterday." (I gave him some cash Wednesday PM.) She
then told me I was only to pay him on Fridays because he spends it all
on booze to which I respectfully replied "He worked for
me, he earned it." When I pay him he seriously goes
and buys booze and gets drunk. What a bunch of crap! Then he skips work
the following day while he recovers/continues to drink. What a bunch of
crap! He apologized to me today for it and said he will work more next
week. Pretty sad really. Jeremy, like so many people I know including
members of my own family, has so much potential that is wasted because
he would rather be a Giblet-Head. I hope he can get it together for the
sake of his family and his son.
That roof is about 2/3 done now; the most difficult back
side only has a small little piece to finish that should be relatively
easy. The final west-facing side should in theory be the easiest because
it's not as high off the ground and there is only one dormer. I'm hoping
to have that 6.5-square section done by this time next week. Then I can
do a cleanup on Saturday the 21st when the dump is open next and be done
with that friggin' roof. I've already put 62 hours of my time into that
thing. I had planned to work about 100 total hours on it so it looks like
I will end up close to that, perhaps "only" in the 90s if Jeremy
can give me at least 15-20 hours next week. When he slacks off it's less
I have to pay for in labor cost, but it's more work I have to do myself
so I am trying to strike a fair balance. If I did it all 100% myself with
no help at all it wouldn't be done until December, and that is unacceptable.
Overall I can't complain because I haven't fallen off and/or
dropped a brick onto someone's vehicle so if I can continue to do good
work I will do okay financially on the job. One more week then I can get
back to work full-focus on the home renovation. Tomorrow Bruce and Bob
are supposed to be coming ot start working on my heat for the renovation.
Kat painted the floor for the laundry room already, and that looks GREAT.
She's an amazing woman.
Speaking of Kat, she's doing her Jester's show across the
street right now and I am in the office. I'm gonna finish this bootleg
update that only two people will ever read then head on down to the bar
to drink another beer or two. I won't get too much sleep tonight because
Bruce is coming at 0800. What a bunch of crap! It's well worth it, though.
We need to get this house renovation done so I can screw off more in 2016.
Working this much is unacceptable gods damn it.
Next time I should write about the new Def Leppard CD that
Kat bought me for an early birthday gift. My love for her is infinite.
Exponentially. Plus 110%. That math makes no sense, but trust me it works.
Oh awesome, Pandora radio just starts playing Def Leppard's Rocket
as I wrap up this post. It's track 3 from the Hysteria album, song length
6:07. The radio version is "only" about 4 minutes long because
they lopped off the long guitar and instrumental part. I don't really
know exactly how long that song is, but I will look now... guy looks it
up..... Nope, 6:37. I SUCK. I used to know the exact song lengths of all
12 songs from that album once upon a time. Hysteria is the best album
ever made and if you disagree then I hate you. I probably hate you anyway,
but I will hate you a little more if you disagree with me.

Wednesday, 11-11-15: Happy
Veteran's Day to... ME.
Today is Veteran's Day so I don't have to take Katherine
to school. It's 0717, and instead of driving back to the office/home I
am updating this bootleg site and watching Shrek on TV. Shrek is awesome!
The sequels not so much, but the original is timeless and extremely watchable.
However, today I won't watch the whole movie because I have things to
do. I always have things to do. What a bunch of crap!
Today isn't a holiday that I give much of a crap about. I'm a veteran
so that makes it okay for me to not care too much, right? Kat did buy
a green light bulb for the front entry so we are showing support. Not
sure if that's even a catching fad or not, but in an ad before The
Peanuts Movie we were influenced to give it a go. We saw
The Peanuts Movie on Saturday, and that was
a decent flick. These days a lot of the classics get totally butchered
by Hollywood when they are updated/remade/whatever, but they gave the
Schultz characters their due respect and stayed true to the spirit and
world that he created. Kat loves The Peanuts and Snoopy. As an added bonus
we got to use our free movie tickets that I won from the I-95.7 radio
station last month when I was able to name a song based off one riff (Alice
Cooper's Poison.)
I'm heading over to work on that roof shortly. There is a rainstorm just
south of here, but it appears to be a miss. We will get rain tomorrow
around dusk so over the next two days I have to make sure things are water-tight.
So far we've only had a few sprinkles since we started the roof so I've
been very fortunate to have such great weather. We've mosty been above
average in temps, too. Oh Jesus, hell ya!
Since my last update we've gotten most of the east side done, I re-mortared
both chimneys, and I've done a good 1/3 of the back (north) side. Before
and after photos of the north chimney:

^Many loose bricks that seemed to be about ready to fall right off.

^I slathered mortar all over that muther! The mortar only cost $5 and
was enough for both chimneys, but it did take a couple hours to do both.
Here is the west side:
Notice that grey staining below the south chimney on the new shingles?
My bad there. I mortared like a slob, excess went everywhere, and I dumped
some water on it to wash it away. Unfortunately, the water that I put
on it made it worse. Plus I forgot about gravity so the water drained
down right over a bunch of our tools and stuff. What a bunch of crap!
When it rains a good soaking rain I think that will wash right off, though.
I hope! I learned my lesson from that chimney and did the north one before
we installed new shingles anywhere nearby.
Jeremy, my helper, is extremely unmotivated. He didn't work at all yesterday
because I guess his Mom tossed a cigarette butt into a pile of leaves
in their yard, they caught fire, and some of their siding melted. HAHAHAHAHA.
So he was trying to fix that before their landlord found out. Why that
took him all day I will never know, especially since as of 1130 he didn't
even have any siding. He sauntered over to ask me if I had any, but I
only have one piece that I need for the house in the photo above for around
some of the dormers.
I probably should just fire Jeremy and find someone else, but at this
point even if I have to finish it all my damn self I could. Jeremy does
good work in spurts, but the problem is getting him there to do the work.
It's really sad considering he lives right in the neighborhood so his
commute to work is literally a few seconds of walking. He's broke as well
so that makes it even worse. What a bunch of crap!
Alright turds, all two of youz, I gotta get my arse over to that building
so I can work. Goonies never say die!
11-06-15: A long day.
Today was a very long day. I woke up around 0330,
and I couldn't go back to sleep. What a bunch of crap! I did not feel
tired anymore and my brain was in overdrive thinking about all the things
I had to do. I tossed, I turned, and finally at 0420 I got my ass up for
the day. Pro of getting up that early = you can get a lot done. Con =
you get tired later in the day. I guess if I smoked pot then 4:20 would
be the perfect time for to be awake, eh? How did that even become a fad
anyway? Is it from a movie? I would look it up, but I don't even care...
whether or not I care. Pot is not for me. I will consume alcohol with
joy, but no narcotics for this boy.

Before daylight this morning I ate breakfast, got my swell on in the gym,
posted my deer hunting fail update that I began last night on this bootleg
site, emailed roof photos to the owners, and took care of a couple other
things all before having to leave at 0700 to take Katherine to school.
I got a lot done early.
I got over to that roof at 0730 and started right in to work. There was
some fog, but it was mild and things weren't wet so the weather was no
burden at all. In fact, this week has featured great weather for roofing.
We did have a few sprinkles Monday and Tuesday mornings, but those were
very minor. Unfortunately, despite the good weather I am still a bit behind
schedule on the thing. What a bunch of crap
If I had put in a full 40-hour work week over at that roof I would be
close to on schedule, but I only worked just a hair over 30 all week.
Jeremy was even worse. he only worked 18 hours all week. OMG. For a broke
is quite sad. Oh well, I guess he is content to live in poverty. I'm definitely
glad he has been helping, and I'd rather he only work almost half days
so I can save on labor expenses. However, I do wish he was slightly more
productive when he is there. I budgeted $1000 for labor costs, but at
this rate I will come in below that tally when it is all said and done.
I also budgeted 100 hours of my own time, but I might go over that by
a bit if Jeremy only wants to work a half-ass schedule. Jeremy working
less = more money for me, but I have to strike that balance because I
will be pissed at myself if I am still dicking around with this roof come
Tomorrow I have to go to the dump to haul on this debris:
There is more debris than that, but the majority is in that pile. What
a literal bunch of crap! It may not look like too much, but old roof shingles
are a burden and heavy so it will take several hours to clean up everything
on that side. Thankfully I have this guy lined up to help me tomorrow
with the debris:

^AAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHHA! He LOVES wrestling. Plus he will work for cheap.
I win. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That photo must be a few year old. HAHAHAHAHA.
This neighborhood will always hold a place in my heart despite the fact
that this town is pretty much busted.
The frigging landfill is only open twice a month, the first and third
Saturday of each month from 0730 to 1400. How stingy is that?! They used
to be open about 20 hours a week. Fuck this town. Property taxes go up,
amenities go down, and it sucks. Eventually we will probably hit the road,
but not anytime immediately. I do love my deer hunting "Disneyland"
here in Brewer, but I've only visited that place twice so far so screw
it. Out of the 250 or so times* I've hunted there over ten years I've
gotten a whopping two, maybe three deer from the entire place so I can
afford to lose that forever, too.
If I ever did haul on this town forever I would seriously miss the gym
the most. I love my gym. However, I love my wife more thatn my gym, more
than anything, and this state is not good for her health...

^Has changed some since 2013 when I took that photo, but I would give
it up. One day I am sure I will.
I have totally fucked away this fall. Badly. I overpromised and underdelivered,
but I don't think it's 100% my fault. Maybe 90%? Kat got sick, Katherine
needs transportation, and I am trying to do what's best for my family.
I work pretty hard, and I work very efficiently, but there is still not
enough time. All I require for myself is a few hours a week to exercise,
to play racquetball about once a week, and this time of year to do some
deer hunting. It's not that much, but I can't even fit it in. Aside from
food and sleep, the basics, I don't need anything else. However, it seems
like no matter how hard I try lately I can't win. Kat isn't happy that
I am doing this roof, but the way I see it doing the roof for 3 or so
weeks will sure beat the toll working for the USPS would have taken on
me and on our family.
Kat is pretty smart, and she told me what I already know but didn't address
in the open. I was too ambitious this fall. As she puts it now it's like
a buffet because I have so many unfished projects. Every time she looks
she sees something that is not done, and that is an epic fail. We have
a roof over our heads and food on the table so we're not in a world of
shit, but there is room for major improvement. I gotta get this gods damned
roof done so I can get back to work on the home renovation ASAP. I need
to manage my time better so I can fit it all in. It's like the expression
"Rome wasn't built in a day." yet
I am trying to build it in 3 months. The end result of that is EPIC FAIL.
I'm stressed out major because I feel like Kat is upset with me for working
too much, but gods damn it having a family is hard. for years it was just
me, myself, and I but now I want to make sure everyone else is taken care
of. I welcome that because my life before was a toilet, at least emotionally,
even when I was with Kelly up in Bradley. Being with Kat is like nothing
I've ever experienced before or ever will again in a good way. Once I
finish some projects then her and I will have plenty of time to hang out
and relax before we get old and die. Sounds morbid I know, but it's the
reality of the world. I don't want to wait until we are both 65-70 before
we can "retire." I want to "retire" when we are both
still in our 40s. I use the term "retire" in quotations because
her and I will never truly 100% retire. We will still do a little of this
and a little of that for years to come just because that is who we are.
Maybe when we are in wheelchairs and walkers our health will force us
to watch Magnum PI reruns on TV in the nursing home, but as long as we
are physically capable we will both do something at least part time.
Back to this frigging roof. Here is what the roof looked like as of yesterday.
Jeremy was gonna work on it more after I quit for the day, but then he
decided to drink instead. He didn't exactly word it that way, but that's
exactly what happened. What a bunch of crap!

^That is the biggest section, a little under 8 square total. The porch
is another 2 square, but that should be easy to finish. We're doing the
roof in three phases. First is the east side in the photo above. Second
is the 5.5-square back section that we will start Monday, and finally
will be the 7-square west section that I hope to start by Monday November
16th. The entire roof including the porch is 24 square. (100 square feet
= one square.)
*250 times is a wild guess, but most of the time that I
hunt in this state I don't see any fucking deer. When just seeing a deer
is exciting then you know your state is hunt-pwned. What a bunch of crap!
Oh well, most of the time just being in the woods is enjoyable. Except
when the weather sucks. then hunting sucks, too.
Thursday, 11-05-15: OMG
My second deer hunt of the 2015 season was awesome.
I saw lots of deer! The fact that it is already Novmber 5th and I’ve
only gone deer hunting twice is a pathetic bunch of crap, but that’s
my own fault for taking on so much work. Lesson learned for future years.
I bowhunted not far from the house at my favorite spot (and only spot
so far this year!), Supertree. It’s a few hundred yard walk from
the parking area at the cemetery back to Supertree, and dragging a deer
out of there is a bitch, but being that far off the beaten path is worth
it because I’ve had more deer encounters further back in that piece
of woods. The first part of my two-hour hunt was uneventful as usual,
except for a couple grey squirrels. Then I heard rustling behind me a
ways, but it was just turkeys. I fought the urge to fall asleep for a
bit, but I was awake enough to see deer coming my way at about 1550, a
good half hour before sunset. The deer came in at my 12:00 position, and
a doe led the way before two skippers. I waited until none of the three
deer were looking my way and I started to move my bow to a draw-ready
position. My bad.
A fourth deer, a mid-sized doe, had been trailing a ways behind the other
three and I didn’t see her until I moved. She saw me immediately..
I was wearing my leafy-wear camo so she didn’t exactly know what
I was, but she could feel the threat. Deer don’t miss much, and
when there are 4 of them together it’s very hard to be on the ground
among them and not be noticed.
So I was busted by that 4th deer, and she stared at me hard. I froze and
averted my eyes so I could only see her in the corner of my eye, and I
forced myself to not even blink. Become a statue and don’t stare
and you might have a chance if the wind is in your favor. Finally, after
what seemed like forever, she seemed to accept me as a part of the woods
and followed the other three deer towards Supertree. I had already passed
up a shot opportunity at one of the skippers because I wanted one of the
two adult does. The first doe was a bit wary of me as well, but shooting
at her was not an option because of the 4th deer watching me so closely.
When the 4th deer worked her way into a broadside lane about 25 yards
away she stopped to stare my ass down again, this time even harder and
this time while stomping her front foot into the ground. That’s
not a good thing to see as a hunter because you know your quarry is about
to bolt. In a desperate move of sorts I figured no guts no glory so I
tried to raise my bow, draw, and shoot before she ran off. The end result
of that was epic fail because, even though I was very fast she was even
faster. What a bunch of crap!
It was only about sunset and all four deer scooted out of there because
I blew it. I almost just quit and went home, but there was still a half
hour left of hunting time so I sat tight and bleated with my call a couple
times. I was hoping maybe another deer (a buck!) would stroll through,
but to my utter amazement those four deer started slowly working back
towards Supertree and my blind. Sweet!

^I was hoping this big fella would stroll on by my ground blind at about
20 yards, broadside, with his head down and facing away from me. He seems
to only come out at full dark, though. Way past legal hunting times. What
a bunch of crap!
Even though no massive buck (or anything with antlers) came
by my blind tonight those four deer did slowly meander back towards Supertree
from the back side. A couple of the deer were spooked as evidenced by
an occasional blow, but they did not leave. I had a nice broadside view
of one deer, but it was about 40 yards away so no way I was taking that
shot. That same deer puttered around back there for what seemed like forever
before it ever so slowly came a tad closer. Finally, at about 20 minutes
past sunset with the last of the daylight fading fast, the deer turned
broadside at what I presumed was about 30 yards away. I drew, got a target,
but had to look with my naked eye because I lost the deer in my sight.
I re-acquired my target, and I let my arrow fly. Deer scattered, I waited
a couple minutes, and I went to go confirm my gut feeling.
When you shoot and you hit a deer you should always wait
a while, I would say a half hour minimum, but I was fairly certain that
I missed so I went down there while there was still a little bit of light
left in the world to see if I could spot blood or an arrow. I found no
blood, but about 40 yards away from my blind I did easily spot my arrow
sticking out of the ground with the broadhead firmly lodged into a root.
No blood anywhere, and not a drop of blood or hair on the arrow at all.
A definite miss. What a bunch of crap. I suck! That deer must have been
35-40 yards away, not 30, so my shot went low. In hindsight taking the
shot was unwise, but I got greedy. Thankfully it was a clean miss and
not a wounded deer.
The sad part of this story is the fact that three years
ago I did almost the exact same thing at the same spot. I misjudged the
distance at that same exact ground blind, and I only had this to show
for my pathetic efforts:
^Dad's hilarious response to that image when I emailed it to him in Dec
of 2012"Looks like a geriatric barber shop."
Hehehehe. I looked for that deer and/or blood for a long time the following
day, but there was nothing to be found. Again on that day my shot went
low and I only grazed off some underbelly hair. Not a mortal wound, not
even close, so at least that deer lived through the ordeal.
Now I need to rebuild my blind at Supertree in a totally
different spot because the blind I have now is compromised. Whenever those
deer come back to that tree they will be looking for a weird-shaped object
that does not belong, and if they see said object (me!) then they are
out like fat kids in dodge ball.
In conclusion I missed a deer, but it was a very fun hunt.
If I was just a little better I would have made a kill shot, but at least
I was good enough to keep the deer close to me for a good 40-45 minutes.
They kept looking at me, but my ability to not panic and to turn into
a statue kept my faint hopes alive. Also, staying at full draw for more
than a minute or two is damn hard. I was at full draw three different
times before finally taking a shot, and the second time at full draw seemed
like an eternity.
You live, you learn, and you improve. I take small comfort
in the fact that only a few years ago I would have spooked those deer
out of there within a few short minutes at most. I have become a better
hunter over the years, but I still have a long way to go before I can
call myself really good.
Better luck next time.
Tuesday, 11-03-15: This
This roof is going to take a while. I was hoping to
have it all done in two weeks (two weeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkkkkssssssssssssssssssss!),
but after spending 7 hours working on the roof yesterday I realize it
is going to take longer. Just stripping off the old shingles is a ton
of work since there are two layers, and cleaning up the mess is also quite
time-consuming. The roof has a total of six dormers and two chimneys so
that also slows things down. Of course I knew all this going into the
job, but I still thought two weeks would be a reasonable timeline. Now
it looks more like 2.5 or 3 weeks before we can finish (assuming working
on the roof 5 days each week.)

^It took me 3 hours just to strip all that in the photo and sweep some
of the debris aside. Lots of debris on the ground to keep track of, too.
This side is the worst as far as debris management because of the tenant
entries, the road, and the driveway.
Thankfully I do have Jeremy helping me, and he knows roofing very well.
I wasn't so sure he would be able to help since he got drunk and punched
out a window at the bar on Friday night. What a bunch of crap! Glad he's
not in the clink because doing the roof all by myself would be borderline
impossible. If I had to find someone else I could, but I have worked on
and off with Jeremy for the past 8 years and I know what I'm getting with
him. Decent quality work at a fair price. I might actually take on a third
person for the occasional help lugging shingles, ground cleanup, etc.
However, I have to really watch the finances on this job so I can't just
sub the whole thing out or else bye bye profit. I need to make some money
for all the time and work I will have invested on this job.
All I wanna know is why? Why does it have to rain some this morning?
The forecast was for morning clouds and afternoon sun so they blew it.
What a bunch of crap! Doesn't look like a huge amount of rain on the radar
and it will end soon, but we do have the roof stripped so a lot of rain
would wreak havoc.

^It's bad when you have a roof that looks like this and then it rains.
Hehehehehe. I do have tarps, but I didn't put them on because THERE WAS
well, a few drops won't hurt anything.
This roof reminds me of the roof we did at Chamberlain Street 8 years
ago. We started that roof at the very end of October and didn't finish
it until February or March of the following year. What a bunch of crap!
However, on that job we re-sheathed the entire roof and we also had to
gut the entire building so I wasn't just working exclusively on the roof.
I remember that year the weather was ok for us until around Thanksgiving
and then winter hit hard. We got tons of snow in December so it was all
but impossible to finish. We learned a lot from that roof and won't be
repeating those mistakes again. (I hope!) This roof should be all done
by mid-month, give or take, and the forecast is for mostly decent weather
for the next several days so we should be able to make some good progress.

^From 2007/2008. Let's hope we get this roof done before that much snow
falls. Let's hope we get it done before ANY snow falls! I don't get paid
until the job is done so I have a financial incentive to stay right on
top of it.
Alright slapnuts, all two of you who actually come to this bootleg site,
the showers appear to be ending so it's time for me to go strip more of
the roof. Hopefully we can get that entire section in the first photo
above all done by the end of this week. If not then we totally suck. |