12-31-15: My final 2015 bootleg site update.
2015 is almost over, and what a year is was. I got
married! I went to Mexico. I worked a lot, and I also had many fun-filled
days. We faced many difficult challenges as well. No doubt I bit off more
than I could chew in 2015 by deciding to add an entire 1000-square foot
two-story addition onto our house and by thinking I could have it operational
this year. My bad there.

^April 19, 2015.
2016 will start off very busy, much like 2015 was and likely even worse.
The home addition isn’t even close to being done yet, but if all
goes as planned I will have it all insulated with a far amount of the
downstairs ready to use by this time next week. For now getting Kat’s
studio going is the top priority followed closely by wanting to get the
laundry room operational and then the upstairs bathroom and one of the
two bedrooms. Plus on top of that I start my first real day of work at
Jackson Hewitt next week. That will be a full-time job until mid-April,
if not more.
I put 445 hours of my own time into this home renovation this year, and
another 4 or 5 today seems likely as I plan to get my ass out there to
start as soon as I finish writing this bootleg update that no one will
read. I’ve had my plumber, electricians, and foundation guys working
on the place as well, and early to midweek next week it will be my heating
contractor’s turn to have a go at it. My B-vents arrived yesterday
via a $200 order (about $300 total spent on the B-vent chimney-like
system to vent the furnace and water heaters together) so I can install
that this weekend as well. I hope. If I didn’t order the right size
piping then it sucks to be me because it’s not sold locally so I
will have to wait another week for whatever I need to arrive unless I
pay for express shipping. What a bunch of crap!

^B-vent system similar to what we will have at the house. I was able to
install the roof portion of the vent last Saturday when it was about 45
degrees outside. It was the last day before real winter set in, and I
got most of my last-minute exterior work taken care of. I hope!
Castiel is scratching at the door. He has to go poop I bet. His usual
routine is to drop a deuce not too long after he has his breakfast. I’ve
been texting some lady who lives 2.5 hours away, and just a few minutes
ago she said she and her husband will probably come up later today to
meet him and likely take him. Last week I listed him on Craigslist for
$200 two days before Christmas, but there were no takers. I re-listed
him for $100 on Tuesday and have had several serious inquiries since.
Nice! We have to find him a new home for reasons previously discussed
on this bootleg site. It’s unfortunate because he has many positive
qualities, but the fact he eats his own shit and any shit that we leave
in the yard is what breaks the camel’s back for me. Going out there
to constantly monitor his shit-eating ass is way old, and now that we
have real winter is truly sucks. It’s a bunch of crap!
I had three days of Jackson Hewitt training this week. Monday was a drive
to Augusta for classroom training with some managers, “mentors”,
and about 30 statewide other preparers. I think there are more than 30
preparers statewide, but that is about how many made it to class. Thankfully
(a blessing and a curse at the same time) we had our first real snowstorm
of the winter on Tuesday so we all stayed home and did online training
since the roads were bad. We got 8” of snow, and it was 14 degrees
so none of it has melted. Thankfully it was easy to shovel.
Yesterday was the final classroom day, and the roads were still not so
great. I drove down with three others from this area, and the 80-mile
drive took a bit extra in the morning and even longer in the afternoon
once some light freezing rain started falling. That was a bunch of crap!
In hindsight I should have just stayed home because, much like last year,
I didn’t get a whole lot from the classroom training. It was nice
to be able to meet and mingle with many new and returning co-workers,
but the training aspect was laughable. We spent half the day just milling
about and wasting precious… precious time. What a bunch of crap!
Oh well, it was paid training so at least I’ll make a few bucks.
The season officially starts in 4 days yet no one in our area knows where
they are working or when they are working. What a bunch of crap! I don’t
even know who my manager is, either. We have to staff the Brewer WalMart
(one desk), the Bangor WalMart (two desks), and the storefront on Hammond
St in Bangor (four desks) and only five people from our area were at the
training. Do the math on that scenario. Not good. Supposedly there are
a couple others already hired, but if it stays like this we will be thread-bare
on staffing. That’s both good and bad for me. The good is I can
make more money, but the bad is working too many hours would 100% suck.
Some of the people, both returning and new, that JH has hired make me
shake my head in disbelief. One new guy from this area is a disabled 70-year
old who has limited knowledge of a computer, no prior tax preparing experience,
and who randomly falls asleep. Seriously! I had to wake his ass up a couple
times in class on Monday. It was boring at times and I wanted to take
a little power nap myself, but as a frigging new guy trying to learn there
is no excuse. Apparently he legit has narcolepsy so that happens. OMG.
I was talking to another guy who works in southern Maine yesterday, and
he is all messed up from some prior accident. Hey pal, no prob if you
walk with a cane and are physically disabled. The job is not physically
arduous at all so as long as you are a quick thinker no problem. Unfortunatly
for the company he said he usually fails the test we all take before we
can do taxes at least once because he has short-term memory loss. OMG
OF CRAP! I know companies need to accommodate special needs people, but
holy Jesus I hope no one I know never has this guy do his or her taxes.
He was telling me how he fails the test at least once and laughing about
it, too. Epic fail.
I should hop off this bootleg piece of shit and go work on the house now.
First I gotta put Castiel out and shovel away his shit. What a bunch of
crap! Happy new year ya fuckin’ dinks, all two of youz.
Sunday, 12-27-15: Back
to a "real" job tomorrow.
I have to be at the Jackson Hewitt office in Augusta
tomorrow morning for the start of a 3-day training. Kat and I did the
same thing last year, but in 2014 the training took place a week or two
before Christmas. I was also working at the USPS so I got very little
sleep during that few day stretch. What a bunch of crap!
I wish I could just skip the classroom training so I can work on our house.
This place needs me for about a week of hard work before even parts of
it are fully functional. Kat’s studio is almost there, but the downstairs
halls aren’t ready yet and the upstairs needs more insulation. I
think I could get all the upstairs insulating done in a full day if I
focused solely on just that, but usually I will do some sheetrock work
and then throw in some insulation here and there. I’m planning to
have the furnace installed around Jan 4th-5th so the thing needs to be
fully insulated by then or else we are just throwing away our precious…
precious money by sending lots of heat to the outside world.

^I need to run a kerosene heater where I mud or else the stuff will never
dry because it gets cold in there. Thankfully the relatively warmer weather
means I don't have to run that heater quite as much.
The upstairs bathroom is getting pretty close to ready for
paint, and if all goes well then next weekend I can paint that room as
well. Having that bathroom done before the rest of the upstairs isn't
a huge plus because it won't be practical to even use that bathroom until
the stairwell and hallway are both done, but it will give me the opportunity
to install the vanity and shitter. Those two items are in large boxes
in the upstairs, and I need to clear out as much space up there as possible
because everything gets in my way gods damn it.

^All the insulation, building supplies, etc. take up a lot of precious....
precious space.
Saturday, 12-26-15: Another
Christmas came and went.
Another Christmas came and went, and I actually took
the entire day off and spent a total of zero hours working on the house.
It was my first Christmas as a married man. Even though Kat and I were
together last year for the holidays it was a lot different. Last holiday
season we started off with the Christmas tree over at her house in Bangor
before she brought it over here. Tommy was also still living with us,
and we hadn’t 100% finished her move over to here by the time the
25th came. I also was working long hours at the USPS so on Christmas eve
I didn’t get home until midnight. What a bunch of crap!
This year I got to hang out with everyone on Christmas eve as well as
Christmas day. We played Monopoly Christmas eve; I haven’t played
that game in many years. I usually don’t lose at Monopoly, and once
again on Christmas eve our team ended with a win. I love to hotel half
the board and then DOMINATE. Unfortunately, Monopoly is a game that takes
too long to finish. We played for 3 hours just one game.
I got some great loot for Christmas. When I was a kid I dreaded getting
clothes for the holiday (TOYS > CLOTHES), but now I love it because
I hate shopping for clothes. I got a couple cool tee shirts, jeans, socks,
and a nice fleece. Santa Kat also got me Super Mario Wii. Oh Jesus, hell
ya! I love that game and have not played it in quite a while.

^All I want to do is sit around and play video games for about 3 consecutive
months, but I have to work a shitload so I can fulfill a promise that
I made to the family. The house renovation needs to get finished and of
course it needs to get paid for as well. Right now I have thousands on
the Home Depot and Lowe's cards that needs to get paid off over the winter
before any interest kicks in.
For Christmas I got a Stephen King book, a DVD of 4 Stephen King movies,
the Star Wars full 6-movie box set, and the best gift of all was this
Woo woo woo nyuk nyuk nyuk. A Three Stooges box set! This looks epic;
it is a complete story of the Stooges as told my Moe’s son, and
it includes memorabilia and some never before seen footage. There are
three DVDs for a total of 9 hours so it will take some time to watch the
entire thing, but it will be well worth it.
We ate all kinds of great food yesterday thanks to Kat spending half a
day in the kitchen. We have a ton of leftovers so there will be no need
to cook for a while. Awesome!
I need to head over to Lowe’s to buy some supplies and then start
working on the house. Today will be 43 degrees outside and the last decent
day before winter hits. 3-5” of snow is coming tomorrow and then
a bigger snowstorm is coming Tuesday. It will be cold as well. What a
bunch of crap! Oh well, we scored a major bonus for most of this month
by being way above average for temperatures. It was 52 Christmas eve day
and 54 yesterday. Oh Jesus, hell ya!
12-23-15: Time to "rehome" Castiel.
We got two adorable puppies in May of this year, but
now a half a year later we are preparing to say goodbye to the last one
of the two. They grew fast, and they quickly became too much for us to
handle. Crowley found a new home (for the second time) last Friday, and
Castiel is currently on Craigslist awaiting what will hopefully be a perfect
new home.

^They used to be so cute and relatively easy to manage, but in their final
days together at our house they were a combined 135 pounds of mayhem and
unbridled energy.
We had hoped that once Crowley (black of the two dogs) found
a new home Castiel would be easier to manage, but that has not been the
case. Now that Castiel doesn't have his brother to rumble with he will
make the rounds from Kat, Chessa (our 9-year old Golden Retriever), and
the cats. The adult cats can fend off Castiel with relative ease, but
the two kittens are easy targets. Last week Castiel bit Sully, one of
the two kittens, only millimeters from his eye during breakfast. Sully
walked over to Castiel and stood directly underneath him, and Castiel
took that as a threat to his food and got agressive with a snarl and a
quick nip. What a bunch of crap! The sad thing is his food bowl was already
empty because it only takes him about 10 seconds to wolf down his 1.5
scoops of dog chow.
Thankfully Sully healed up just fine, but over the weekend
Castiel tried to attack Daniel's kitten, Autorious (I have no clue how
to spell that.) Castiel had a bone, Chessa had a bone, and Castiel kept
trying to steal Chessa's bone so I was trying to pry Chessa's bone from
Castiel's mouth when Autorious got too close. Castiel thought his bone
was no longer safe so he made a dangerous lunge at Autorious and almost
bit him. Thankfully I was right there to put that asshole dog into a standing
headlock and to scold him as I put him in his crate.
The night before last Castiel and Sully were in the kitchen
when Castiel bit Sully in the ear. We didn't see it happen, but we assume
Castiel was being playful and treating the cat like he treats his squeaky
toys. He doesn't seem to know the difference between the cats and and
a chew toy, and that is all bad. Before when he had Crowley most of the
time he would nip at his brother and they could play hard together, but
now his brother is in a new home so he can't pick on someone his own size.
Chessa doesn't play that much because she is older so Castiel finds the
kittens to be easy targets.
Sully is relatively fearless. Even though he has been bitten
by Castiel he will still go right over and play right by the dog. Thankfully
his ear isn't severely wounded, but what happens the next time Castiel
decides to bite? Even a playfully-intended nip could kill the kitten.
Even worse, Castiel doesn't even seem to ever show remorse for anything
bad that he does. We can scold him until we lose our voices, but Castiel
will stand there and have the same vapid look on his face. Kat facetiously
called Castiel a sociopath because he shows no remorse when he is scolded.
Even Crowley knew when he was busted for failing at life. Every dog I've
ever been around knew when he or she was in trouble, but not this guy.
What a bunch of crap!

^Does not show any signs of remorse when he does something bad. Does not
give any indication he even knows what is good and what is bad. Epic fail.
He is smart enough to know, too.
Oh, he also still eats poop. All poop. Doesn't matter if
it's Chessa's, random crap at the park, or his own turds. He does it fast,
too. If I don't go scoop it within seconds after he finishes creating
it then he will turn around and chow down. What a bunch of crap! We even
maced his shit in the hopes that would deter him, but he still put it
in his mouth, dropped it long enough to rain snot all over the place,
and then he would keep picking at it until eventually it became edible.
So I posted him on Craigslist last night, and so far I've
only gotten two texts that read "Do you still have it
for sale?" from out of state area codes and in the
middle of the night. F them! Probably not even people really interested
anyway. It's still early so I am hoping we get some promising emails and
calls later today.
I gotta get off this bootleg thing so I can go take care
of a couple rental property things, wrap Kat's Xmas gifts (I have a big
pile here in my bootleg office), distribute Xmas cookies to some of the
tenants, and then work on the house for a few hours before I play reacquetball
later with Gavin. I have the upstairs bathroom all sheetrocked with two
layers of joint compound (mud), and I started the upstairs hallway as
well. Hopefully next time I can post some photos. It will be warm the
next few days including a record high tomorrow so that helps my progress,
If you want a 70-pound dog who eats his own shit and who
might be a canine sociopath then let me know ASAP. How could you refuse
such a tempting offer?
Friday, 12-18-15: One week
until Christmas.
I have a pile of loot here in my bootleg office for
my awesome wife. I still need to wrap the gifts all up, but they are fine
for the time being sitting here in boxes and bags. I'll probably wait
until the 24th to wrap them because I am not good at Christmas at all.
If it were up to me this would be our Christmas tree:

Thankfully Kat is awesome at Christmas. Today she was wrapping
more gifts, baking cookies, etc. She even bought little tins of cookies
for all of our tenants. I finished those Christmas cards last night at
Tag's in Ellsworth during her karaoke show so I will pass those out midweek
next week. The cookies aren't too expensive, but I like to think the gesture
earns us some goodwill. Last year was actually the first year I did that
and it seemed to generate a positive response.
I have a couple things to take care of before I head down
to Jester's for what should be Kat's last karaoke show of 2015. Since
Christmas falls on a Friday this year there will be no Thursday night
(Christmas eve) show at Tag's next week and obviously no Christmas day
show at Jester's next Friday. The Roost up in Orono won't need her again
until the students return from their Christmas break the week of January
20th. By then I will be working full-time at Jackson Hewitt so I won't
be going with her for a lot of her karaoke gigs. At least that's the plan
now. JH training is only 1.5 weeks away and I still have no idea where
I will be working. Will it be the Brewer Wal Mart? Bangor Wal Mart? The
JH "storefront" in Bangor? Last year I mostly worked in Brewer,
but I did cover Bangor many times as well at the Wal Marts. Hanging out
in a little booth near the Wal Mart entryways and cash registers isn't
exactly glorious, but the pay isn't half bad so I'm willing to do it again.
This year we need the money to pay for the home renovations with hopefully
enough left over for a vacation as well.
We had Crowley back in our home for just over 24 hours,
and now he is in a new home again. Having him home again at all = what
a bunch of crap! However, we had to do it because it didn't work in the
first home that we found for him. I reposted him on Craigslist, and only
a few hours later I had texts and four new voicemails within the span
of a couple hours. OMG. I ended up having a college kid who lives in southern
Maine come meet him this afternoon. The guy has grown up with dogs and
has no kids or other pets. Perfect! As an added bonus he lives in Kennebunkport
so it's not exactly easy for him to come give us Crowley back if he changes
his mind. Crowley is a great dog so I doubt he will change his mind. I
hope. It would have been nice if Katherine could have taken care of all
of it since he was her dog, but she is only 17 so better off to have me
handle it. I do wish she at least said thank you since it literally took
me hours that I really don't have to spare, but that is ok I still love
her. When I was 17 I was clueless about the world and it took a tour of
duty in the US navy to smarten my ass up.
The home renovation continues to be behind schedule thanks
to the Crowley fiasco and other obligations, but I am hoping next week
to get some good work done. Check out the 10-day forecast:
^48 on Tues and 49 Thursday = Oh Jesus hell ya! Today was in the mid 40s
all day, and today's average high is 33 with an average low of 15 so we
are crushing it this month. Plus fuel prices are way low so I think I
will save big on next month's heating bill as well. Eventually winter
is bound to hit us hard, but not anytime soon. It's amazing to think that
earlier this year we set the all-time frigid record in February and had
literally tons of snow and now this month is on pace to shatter warmth
records. The unusual warmth also helps with the home renovation since
I don't have heat out there yet. I can run a kerosene space heater as
needed, but at 45 degrees outside I don't need it. This weekend will be
brisk but that's okay because next week we bounce right back. I plan to
get some more insulating and sheetrock installs done this weekend so I
can mud/tape/sand next week when it warms back up. I can mud at 45 degrees
and it does dry without the heater, but it still does take a while to
dry all the way.
I'm all done for the evening. Fin. It's time to go hang out at Jester's,
drink a couple beers, and then hopefully sleep 12 hours. I won't really
sleep 12 hours because I have work to do and because Mom and Aunt Susie
are planning to visit tomorrow late AM/midday, but I do hope to get a
solid 8 at least. I am sleep deprived. I don't even know anymore by how
much, but probably a lot. Ah well, I still feel good for now and I can
get more sleep next week or when I die. Thankfully Kat and I are Goonies
and Goonies never say die!
Thursday, 12-17-15: The new Def Leppard
My favorite band of all-time, Def Leppard, released
a new album several weeks ago. Nice! However, I don’t get that excited
for new Def Leppard albums anymore because they have burned my ass hard
in the 21st century by releasing some horrible songs. Their last decent
album was Euphoria from way back in 1999, and
that album was just good, not great. I know they will never be able to
recapture their glory from the 80s and early 90s, and I’m okay with
that, but I do still hold hopes that they can produce new music that isn’t
total garbage.
^The last halfway decent Def Leppard album was released 16 years ago.
What a bunch of crap!
I was disappointed with Def Leppard when they released Songs
From the Sparkle Lounge back in 2008. That album SUCKS.
It’s a bunch of crap! I think it’s all remakes, cover songs,
and it can kiss my hairy ass. They did release a collection of live greatest
hits on MirrorBall in 2011, but I didn’t
ever buy that one. I should! Maybe if I ever see it in a clearance bin
I will grab it, but it’s definitely not high on the priority list.
Before their latest album, simply entitled Def Leppard,
was released I heard one of the songs called Let's Go get some
airtime on 100.3 WKIT. It’s a good song! Then I went to
and saw a sample of the second song from the album called Dangerous
(NOT ROXETTE.) I gave it a listen and I liked it. So far 2 for 2 from
a 14-song album. Oh Jesus, hell ya! ME DID WANT.
Only a few days after I heard Dangerous my wonderful wife bout
the album for me as an early birthday gift. So my birthday gifts this
year from her were Def Leppard and Rambo DVDs. I win, you lose. Owning
the new Def Leppard album is great! They’ve been making music for
a very long time, ever since the 70s. Wow!

^Lazy ass title of the album, but it's ok at least they still make some
decent music and don't sit around in a nursning home and play board games
all day.
The first two songs on the new Def Leppard album, Let's Go and
Dangerous, kick ass. Unfortunately after that the album falls
flat. Track 3 is a floating turd of a song, but track 4 is a nice ballad.
After that every song is just mediocre. Nothing stands out. What a bunch
of crap! I’ve listened to the album for a few weeks now in the hopes
that it would grow on me more, but so far no luck. I don’t hate
it, but I don’t love it either. I’d rate it a 5 on a scale
of 1-10 and that is mostly on the strength of the first two songs. A couple
days ago I pulled it from my CD player so I can listen to a superior album,
Queensryche's Operation: Mindcrime.
Even though the new Def Leppard album is far from stellar that’s
okay. I'm glad Kat bought it for me! I’m just glad they can still
rip out the occasional good tune. The guys are all in their 50s now. Guitarist
Steve Clark checked out in the 90s from a drug overdose, but the other
original band members remain. I wonder how many more albums, if any, they
will release? One day they will be too old and that will be sad. I still
thank them for the best album of all-time, 1987's Hysteria.
(Pour Some Sugar on Me was my favorite song for most of 1988.
12-16-15: Dog refund. Shit!
Ah crap, the people who took Crowley last week called
tonight. They want a refund. Gods damn it! It’s been about 1.5 weeks
since they took him so I should say too bad no refunds. However, I can’t
in good conscience do that. None of us can. We need to do what’s
best for Crowley even if it does cause us an extra burden. We were the
ones who decided that getting two dogs would be awesome so now we have
to pay the price of our failure.
Apparently Crowley playfully bit the “owner” in the face earlier
today. Her Mom actually called on her behalf because she’s 12 years
old, give or take. She said no major physical damage was done, but there
is deep emotional damage. OMG. The kid is a psychological mess because
her class was held hostage at gunpoint a few years back so Crowley was
supposed to be her therapy dog. Last we knew they had bonded wonderfully,
but Crowley does like to play hard so nevermind. They can’t keep
him anymore because now the kid is petrified. OH WAAAAAAAAAA GROW
A SET AND MAN UP KID. I know Crowley isn’t a vicious dog
and her Mom said the same thing. He just was playing hard, but her daughter
is a Sissy-Mary who weakens this once great nation.
So tomorrow morning we can look forward to getting Crowley back. What
a bunch of crap! I’ll stick him on Craigslist again and I bet he
will be gone in no time. Bye bye more of my precious… precious time
that I don’t have dealing with that shit. It’s goddamn frustrating
how little time I seem to have lately. The renovation of our house is
pwned for a while because I have too much else going on to finish it proper,
and I can’t get heat out there anyway.
I called Bob, my Giblet-head heating contact, yesterday morning. I met
Bob over 2 months ago and he was supposed to be helping me, but so far
he has done about jack and shit for me. Only some planning and a few heat
vents have been run in the past 2.5 months. Bob didn’t even run
the heat vents either; he had Bruce do that. Epic fail. I talked to Bob
1.5 weeks ago and he promised he would make time for me over the weekend
unless he had emergency no-heat calls. The weekend came and went with
no Bob so I called him, left him a nice voicemail that politely said get
to work or let me know if you can’t work, and I still heard nothing
back from him. I planned to haul on him by that point, but yesterday morning
I tried him one last time before I called my next option. To my amazement
Bob actually answered and told me he is so busy he is going to stop taking
calls for now. I told him I was gonna hire someone else, and he said ok
good luck bye and hung up on me. What a bunch of crap! Disappear, scumbag.
He was kinda rude about it, too. His wife is dying so I feel badly for
him, but I want to get this done so my sympathy only extends so far. I'm
overhwelmed in my life right now but I'm not a dink to people (I hope!)
so he has no valid excuse in my books anymore. Bob = hauled on.
All I wanna know is why? Why did he not motivate his ass more? I told
him I have cash waiting for him, but he was trying to juggle 50 other
jobs and a sick wife so he never had time. Really sad considering he only
lives a few minutes down the road. Epic fail by his loser ass for sure.
I guess he doesn't need my money so he can get F himself.
Bruce gave me the name of a different heating guy, I called him, and earlier
this evening he came to take a look. Unfortunately, he is booked until
early January so no heat will be installed out there until 2016. Gods
damn it. Oh well, I am not ready to have that thing quite functional anyway.
It would be awesome to have heat and to have Kat’s studio operational,
but right now I am using that space for some storage of tools and supplies
so it makes my job out there a little easier having access to all of it.
By the time we get heat going I should have the entire downstairs done
and ready to go. I hope!

^Lots of dust in the air. I need to finish the floor, install baseboard,
paint that window trim (just primed now), and install two heat duct diffusers
in the ceiling and then it's 100% done. I could have that all done in
a day, but without heat there is no immediate need to finish that space.

^The upstairs is even more cluttered. What a bunch of crap! I have 34
pieces of sheetrock up there, 17 stacked in each of the two bedrooms.
Plus I have another dozen or so full pieces downstairs in the laundry
area. There is a bunch of insulation, flooring, and lumber kicking around
as well. Hopefully this coming week I can install a lot of that insulation
and sheetrock to make some room.
Monday, 12-14-15: Another
morning at the repair shop.
The Mountaineer is on the lift, and I have cash in
my pocket for the expected $600 bill. We need front brakes, an ABS sensor,
and a couple other smaller things done so we can get our inspection sticker
and get the thing safe again for the winter and beyond. The SUV isn’t
unsafe now, but the pads were about down to metal and that ABS sensor
is probably important for braking on ice. Thankfully we have not had to
drive on ice at all so far this season. Nice!
Al Roker was just on the news talking about this mild El Nino winter as
compared to last year’s arctic polar vortex bullshit. Still lots
of winter left to go, but so far it’s been fantastic. It was over
50 degrees both Friday and Saturday. Oh Jesus, hell ya! As an added bonus
fuel prices are lower so far this winter, too. Gas is actually $1.98 a
gallon; I got 5 cents off with cash so I paid $1.93 a couple days ago.
Oh Jesus, hell ya! Too bad the money we’re saving on heat and gas
is going towards vehicle maintenances and repairs. I dumped around $1150
into the F150 end of November and earlier this month for tires and brakes,
and bye bye another $600 today for the Mountaineer. What a bunch of crap!
The Mountaineer will take a couple or three hours so I already walked
over to nearby McDonald’s for some dollar value menu breakfast (two
sausage burritos, parfait, milk) and then stopped off at TD Bank to deposit
the check from that epic roof job from last month. That money will be
useful in many ways, but primarily for putting the finishing touches on
the mechanical systems in our home remodel. Now all I need to do is get
my contractors in high gear so we can get the thing heated and start using
Kat’s studio. Right now her studio is pretty much done, but it’s
too cold out there for her to use. What a bunch of crap!
I stayed up until after midnight Saturday because Kat had a Christmas
party to DJ down in Ellsworth. I decided to stay home so I could work
until she got home, and work I did. I got the entire entry hall insulated,
sheetrocked, and mudded/taped with a coat of joint compound. The home
remodel is behind schedule so I need to use every available minute between
now and when I start work at Jackson Hewitt to get it functional. I need
to get the downstairs done (laundry room, studio, hallways) and hopefully
the upstairs bathroom and Katherine’s bedroom finished ASAP. It’s
already the 14th, and I will probably start at JH around Jan 4th. That’s
only 21 days away. I also have three days of JH training down in Augusta
from Dec 28-30 so my time is increasingly limited. Hopefully these guys
here at the shop can put a wiggle on it and get the Mountaineer done ASAP
so I can spend a few hours working on the house later.

^Hallway area before I started working on it a couple days ago. Still
had a little framing and insulating to do (not pictured.) That little
gas oven will end up going upstairs, but for now there it sits because
I can work around it and the upstairs is cluttered right now with sheetrock,
flooring, insulation, etc.

^Hallway area after I quit working on it late Saturday night. I worked
on that entryway area until almost 2345 while Kat wrapped up her Ellsworth
Christmas party gig. It still needs a couple more coats of mud, paint,
a heat vent in the ceiling, the suspended ceiling, and trim. The entry
door to the driveway is off to the right and not quite visible because
of the wall in the foreground. Kat's studio door is off to the left, directly
across from the entry. We will have no stairs to navigate at all when
we load and unload her gear. Win! That entry area is about 5 feet wide
so I should be able to install some shelving on the rear right wall (maybe
left? I think the right makes more sense because the entry door swings
in.) and still leave room for us to maneuver. Once it's done I hope it's
totally awesome. If not then I suck.
12-11-15: I'm cut. I have a lot to say tonight so thou shalt listen or
I cut my fuckin' hand late yesterday afternoon. What
a bunch of crap! I was cutting a piece of sheetrock, and I told myself
to watch it or else I would cut my damn self. Then, about .02 seconds
later, I cut myself anyway. Epic fail. There was a little piece of sheetrock
left to cut, the utility knife got stuck, and then it flew up and across
my left palm. Gods damn it! The cut looked pretty deep, but it didn't
bleed much. I tried to find some electrical or duct tape, but I don't
know where half my stuff is anymore so Kat just wrapped it with bandage
stuff. Snoopy band-aid for the win!

^When your wife has Peanuts band aids then you can say you have scored
a life victory. However, when you have to use the Peanuts band aids because
you were a nincompoop and cut yourself then you have lost. Do the two
cancel each other out? Hehehehe.
The cut is healing, but tonight when I was getting my sewll
on in the gym a little pus came out so I just put on some workout gloves
that have been down in the gym for years upon years. Those gloves alone
wil probably give me an infection of some kind, but the bars will be clean-ish.
I haven't used gloves when I life weights in a very long time. Many years
ago before I renovated this bootleg building it would get COLD down here.
So cold that the barbells were like ice to the touch so I would wear workout
gloves. Now about the coldest it will get in the gym is 60. However, it
does get colder here in this bootleg office in the winter. Nothing a little
space heater can't cure pretty fast, and I'm not in this office very much
anymore so no biggie.
This is the second consecutive week that I've done very
well in terms of exercise. it was 50 today, very mild, so I also went
for a jog. So far this December has been quite mild, and I'm loving it.
More mild weather is coming, too. Saving money on heating bills is awesome.
Unfortunately, all that money saved already went bye bye because the bootleg
apartment business was a succubus this week. What a bunch of crap! I was
hardly able to work on our own house at all. Gods damn it.
Queensryche Operation: Mindcrime
is a fucking awesome album. Pandora Radio is playing The Mission
right now, a decent song from that album. The entire album wins. HEY WTF
THE SONG JUST CUT OFF?! Oh well, I listened to most of the album when
I was using the gym just a few minutes ago so no biggie.
Dokken's The Hunter comes on to
take its place. More wins! I love this song. I am not the hunter this
year, that's for sure. I went hunting 6 times all fall, and that is totally
unacceptable. Tomorrow is the last day in the expanded archery zone so
maybe I can go once more. However, that seems unlikely unless I get my
ass up at 0545 or unless I go in the afternoon. Kat has a party to DJ
tomorrow so going in the afternoon is unlikely, and I am going to drink
beer and bivouac at 0200 tonight so going at first light also seems unlikely.
What a bunch of crap!
Maybe I will wake up early and slam an energy drink and
see what happens. I really do want to go once more so I can see this big
The home renovation is going slow thanks to a bunch of rental
property crap this past week. I am way behind schedule on that thing.
I'm hoping tomorrow to sheetrock most of the downstairs hallway/entryway.
However, I can't install some of the sheetrock because the damn electrical
isn't done yet. No heat either. Gods damn it! I'm at the mercy of my contractors
for my mechanical systems because I can't wire all that myself, install
my own furnace, and install the plumbing. I have some carpentry skills
and am handy, but not that handy. I suppose I could learn how to do it
all since I know the basics, but I want to get this thing done before
I die. Thankfully I am a Goonie and Goonies never say die. That last sentence
makes no sense, but it is an excuse to post a funny photo of Chunk.

^TRUFFLE SHUFFLE. I can't do the Truffle Shuffle because I only weigh
145 pounds. If I ever get fat and can do the Truffle Shuffle then shoot
me please. Oh, I can do the machine gun. That would be my Rambo wrestling
entrance if I ever decide to become a professional wrestler. However,
I'm 40 years old and I have no aspirations to be a pro wrestler so nevermind.
When I do the machine gun it does get Castiel all excited. That's fun
We found Crowley a new home last Sunday. The plan was for
Katherine's friend and her family to take him, but at the last minute
they bailed so I posted an ad on Craigslist. I posted the ad at 1230 Sunday
afternoon, and we had him a home by 1900. Wow! I got 4 emails, 2 calls,
and a text. I didn't write back to the text because fuck that. Call me
old or whatever but when I post an ad your ass better either call or email
or GTFO. We think his new home will be perfect because the family lives
local and he will be a therapy dog for a 12-year old who was traumatized
when she was in kindergarten and some assface took her class hostage.
Seriously. OMG.
I need to Google that to get the full story. She is 12 now
so it was years ago. Guy looks as Judas Priest comes on. I haven't even
looked at the name of the song; I just recognize the voice and know because
I am that damn good. Hmmm.... The Sentinal.
I'm not familiar with this song, but I like it so it gets a thumbs-up.
Then my Interweb stops working. What a bunch of crap!
Okay, I don't wanna write on this bootleg site all night
so screw looking up that news story from years ago. Anyway, it will be
sad not having Crowley around, but the pros have far outweighed the cons
so far. The house has been MUCH quieter since we found him a new home,
and Castiel has been behaving better as well. We went over to visit Crowley
in his new home Monday, and they said he has been totally fantastic. No
accidents in the house, nothing bad at all. I think it's a perfect fit
and will be great. It is sad because he is a great dog, but together with
his brother the end result was mayhem and madness at our house.

^I took that picture on Sunday, just hours before we found him a new home.
Looking at it makes me sad because he is a great dog by himself. He just
got a little lost in the shuffle in or house with two other dogs and he
picked up some bad habits that can easily be cured in the right environment.
Katherine didn't have time for him at all because of her school, babysitting,
and now swim team schedule so our decision was best not only for Crowley
but also for our family.
Part of me wants to remove that photo above because it tugs
at my heart. He reminds me of Maggie in many ways. I really miss Maggie.
She was a hot mess of a dog thanks to Doug's inability to train her properly,
but she was still awesome. She had a ton of energy just like Crowley and
she loved to run just like Crowley. She loved to play tug of war and sucked
at atcually playing fetch, but that was okay because she was so energetic
and approachable.

^Maggie at the park in August of 2005, the same park where we bring our
dogs now. I was just there a few hours ago with Chessa and Castiel. RIP,
I can't look at pictures of Maggie anymore they make my
I am a shitty Uncle. I suck. Thankfully I put a sticker
on my calendar so I know today is Nadia's birthday. I used to think it
was December 9th, but these days I mostly remember it's actually the 11th.
I thought my only niece, my only next-generation Markwith, was turing
four years old today. However, she is now five. OMG WHY DO I SUCK?! When
you don't even know how old your niece is then you suck. I am so overwhelmed
that it is ridiculous. I used to worry that one day I would get bored
to death when I ran out of shit to do, but these days all I want to do
is play video games, watch movies, and do crossword puzzles. I don't want
anything to do at all. Not really, but kinda. However, there is no vacation
for my ass for a while to come so I need to stop whining and keep working
for the things I want for our family.
I see Nadia a handful of times each year, and each time
it is a quick visit. Fuck that she will grow up and not even know her
Uncle. I need to go down there and play dolls and shit before she grows
up and thinks I am a dink. I probably am a dink, but I don't want her
to think that until she grows up more.
Iam gonna spread out and go to Jester's. I want to hear
Mexican Radio by Walls of Voodoo. That is an awesome song
to drunkenly sing karaoke to. I sang it last week and a couple weeks prior.
It makes no sense, but it still wins. A lot. I will listen to it now before
I hit the road.
I wish I was in Tijuana eathing barbecue Iguana.
AWESOME. I don't have a better .jpg of it, but that is in the video and
it is them barbecuing iguana. Hehehehe. (Probably not really an iguana,
but hell if I know it was the 80s. Dd PETA exist then?)
Wednesday, 12-09-15: Good
and bad news.
This friggin’ bootleg apartment business has
been a real ass-kicker so far this week. Sometimes it’s easy and
I can lounge around, and sometimes my ass has to get to work. This week
has obviously been the latter. I know the business won’t run itself
and will collapse if I slack off, but sometimes I still wish I wouldn’t
get slammed with so many things at once. Even worse, I wish I didn’t
have to wade around in shit when plumbing goes awry. It’s gross
and, worst of all, it costs me precious… precious time and MONEY.
A clogged sewer line at one of my rentals on Holyoke St has really set
me back this week, bigtime. I had to drill holes in the line in the wee
hours of the morning Monday, and then yesterday afternoon Bruce came over
to replace a section of the line for me. I did some digging, and I used
my rotary hammer to chisel away some of the concrete in that corner so
I could access more of the pipe. That concrete was hard to chisel, too.
That stuff was really solid. Finally I got it down to this:
You can see an epic jam there. What a literal bunch of crap! The jam was
not only in that coupling but also in the piece of pipe that I removed.
Looked to me like the entire pipe had come loose at that junction, perhaps
caused by some settling due to the frost going so deep into the ground
last winter? That and old age. It took me many hours yesterday afternoon,
but Bruce was finally able to build me a working line. Is it code compliant?
Hell no. However, he did the best he could trying to tie a 4” cast
iron pipe into some bootleg 3” mostly buried wye that ends up connecting
to a buried clay pipe that goes out to the city main under the street
some 50 feet or so away.
While Bruce rebuilt that bootleg section of pipe I hauled a pile of disgusting
clay-mud-shit-dirt out to my utility trailer in old drywall buckets. There
is no place on the property to dump that shit-filled dirt so I had to
haul it off. What a bunch of crap! It froze overnight in my trailer, too.
Was fun dealing with that today… gods damn it.

After Bruce finished installing those boots and the PVC we did a test
flush. Worked great! Then I ran the sink and it was fine for a minute.
However, our victory was short-lived because water started blowing out
of an old cleanup that was literally only blocked off with ancient paper.
What a bunch of crap! It was obvious there was still a clog further down
the line. Epic fail. Maybe some of the debris that I was trying to clear
from earlier got shoved too far in and washed down? Maybe there was more
than one jam? Impossible to know so this morning I had to get on it again.
I had Nichols Plumbing come over with their power auger and camera and
we got it done. Bruce is awesome, but he doesn’t have the camera
or power augers so he can’t help when I have major jams. However,
Nichols has been on it when I’ve called them and I have nothing
but praise for how they have treated me.
The power auger cleared the line. Good news there! No need to get the
excavator and a jackhammer for now. Unfortunately, the camera showed bad
news. The old clay pipe from the foundation out to the street is in rough
shape in spots. Thankfully it hasn’t collapsed, but there are a
couple holes and ugly spots so my chances of having another jam in the
near future are 50/50. If it jams again will probably need to replace
that entire line, and that will cost literally thousands of dollars. What
a bunch of crap!
This week’s mess has cost me $375 plus a lot of my time, but all
things considered I call that a win. If I wasn’t hands-on then I’m
sure it would have been at least $1000. In fact, this would have been
an epic expensive week for the properties if I didn’t do so much
of my own work. These are the weeks I need to remember before I retire
and decide to have a management company run my business for me.
I have no way of knowing how long that sewer line will last before it
finally fails for good. No one does. All we can do is guess, and the consensus
is we could get many more useful years of jam-free use or the thing could
fail tonight. I’m hoping I can at least get through this winter
before I have major issues. Fingers crossed we don’t have another
horrible winter where the frost gets so deep into the ground that it disrupts
plumbing. The guy from Nichols said last winter caused a lot of sewer
lines to shift because it got so cold and the frost got so deep. What
a bunch of crap!
So for the third day in a row I couldn’t do any work on our house
because I had apartment stuff to do. I also have a range that needs replacing
at another property because the old tenants who moved out last summer
beat the thing up pretty hard. It was only about 3 years old, too. What
a bunch of crap! Oh well, we will make lemonade out of lemons on that
deal because I found a sweet open-box buy at Lowe’s today. A $700
glass-top range reduced to $450 because it supposedly has a scratch on
the top. I didn’t see any friggin’ scratch; all I saw were
dollar signs from all the money we will save on a nice new oven. Oh Jesus,
hell ya! That range will go in our house and the one we have now can go
to the rental property. The one we have now is actually not that bad,
and it will be a major upgrade for the tenant at that rental now.
This bar up here in Orono is filled with drunk college kids right now.
It’s 2330, primetime for the young-uns. I’m sitting over in
the corner out of the way and watchful. So far these Giblet-Heads appear
to be behaving, but Kat is swamped with requests for songs. They love
the karaoke! Good for business, but hard for her gear. Tag’s and
Jesters are like vacations compared to this place! Thankfully it’s
finals week next week then winter break so there won’t be karaoke
here again until January 20th.
12-08-15: Crowley is in a new home, and I have major shit issues again.
I’m so screwed it’s beyond ridiculous.
I will never get the things on my list done before the end of the year
so at this point I need to see where I can cut my losses. The home renovation
continues to fall more and more behind, and I just can’t seem to
myself available to work on it for any regular schedule of time. I worked
on the thing a grand total of 24 hours last week. OMG THAT IS PATHETIC.
So far this week I put in about 4 hours on Sunday afternoon, none yesterday,
and it will be none again today because I have other things going on.
What a bunch of crap!
I fucked everything away this fall, and it is unacceptable. I don’t
have enough time and that pisses me off and stresses me out. It’s
not like I’m being lazy sitting around playing video games and watching
daytime TV dramas either. I have allowed a little time for myself, but
only a minimum of that. I only went deer hunting 6 fucking times all season,
and if I’m lucky maybe I can go once more before the end of the
season. However, the season ends this Saturday so I’m probably screwed.
I’ve used the gym on occasion and gone for some jogs when the weather
and my free time permits, but mostly it’s been work and other obligations
taking up all my precious… precious time.
This week started off rough when I got a phone call at 0036 Sunday night/early
yesterday morning just after midnight. Drains clogged, nothing working.
Epic fail. It’s the same property where I had issues back in October
with a clogged sewer line, and the line was clogged again. I could have
made an emergency after-hours phone call and paid a few hundred to have
the line purged, but screw that. I know now after two jams in 6 weeks
that the section in the photo below needs replacing so I decided to take
matters into my own hands. I drilled a 1” hole with my rotary hammer
in a couple different spots so I could snake it myself and try to clear
the jam near the source. There is a cleanout for the main line, but it’s
100 feet away and I don’t possess a power auger with that kind of
reach. My longest snake is 50 feet, and it’s nothing too industrial
grade either.

^The first hole to the right relieved the backed-up water, but I couldn't
get to the clog so I drilled another hole.
When I first drilled into the cast iron pipe I knew there would be a lot
of back-pressure so I was ready for it. However, I wasn’t fast enough
so a stream of water started spewing out and right onto the nearby electrical
panel. What a bunch of crap! When water gets on electrical components
that is bad. Thankfully I was able to get a bucket over the stream before
it could short anything out. I expanded the hole, let it drain out, and
then went to work. I was at the lowest part of the cellar so the water
in the line drained down into the ground, but there was still a fair amount
that needed to be shop-vacuumed out and removed. It also took me a while
to snake and try to clear things up. Plus it was fucking gross. The jam
was all bad so I wasn’t able to get it 100% cleared, but after 2.5
hours I got it working well enough to get the tenants through the day.
Thankfully there wasn’t shit all over their cellar floor again like
last time. It was still pretty nasty, though. What a literal bunch of
I didn’t get jack shit for sleep last night. When I got home it
was 0330, but I was too amped up and gross-feeling to go back to sleep.
I cleaned myself up, ate breakfast, and tried to bivouac but that was
epic fail so I ended up watching some news and sports low-lights of the
Patriots loss from the day before. The Pats were an undefeated 10-0, but
now they’ve lost 2 in a row. What a bunch of crap! Oh well, they
are still in first place by a lot.
I had other apartment work to do yesterday, but I made time to go back
over to that house to dig around the line as much as possible. Of course
there is concrete in there so today I need to chisel that out with my
hammer drill. What a bunch of crap! Bruce looked at it with me yesterday
afternoon to get an idea how to make a workable solution and this afternoon
he and I are going to have at it. Hopefully we can get it going today,
and hopefully we don’t need to do some major excavation to get at
everything. This repair could end up being very costly if things don’t
go my way. Like, thousands of dollars and lots of time costly. This fucking
sucks. What a bunch of crap!
I’m sitting in the waiting area at Midas now, hoping they can give
me some better news regarding Kat’s vehicle. We got a quote for
$875 for brake, ABS, and other repairs from the dealership where we bought
the vehicle in Waterville so we’re hoping to do better here. It’s
a 2007 Mercury Mountaineer, and we got it used just over a year ago. We
even got the extended warranty because it gave us a better interest rate
and peace of mind, but of course brake work is not covered. What a bunch
of crap! Those extended warranties are normally pure profit for the company,
but we took the bait because it was a good deal once the rate dropped
from 4.99 way down to 2.99% for a 48-month loan. Plus on a used vehicle
we figured odds were good something would go wrong and now it has. Unfortunately
it had to be the brakes that aren’t covered under warranty. What
a bunch of crap!
I really hope I can get this sewer line situated today. In addition to
that large issue I have had several other smaller things to deal with.
Tub needed caulking, door not closing right, window pane cracked, faucet
not working, shower leaking, etc etc. Seems like every time I see a tenant
lately it’s something that takes up my precious… precious
time. Oh well, it’s my job so it’s not unexpected, but gods
damn it I wish it could all wait until I get the home renovation under
control a bit more.
On Sunday we found a new home for Crowley. I’m severely time pwned
so I won’t write about that this time, but I will say that I think
it was a good decision and he will be well loved and cared for.
In conclusion I still don’t have enough free time and I might be
totally screwed if this sewer line turns into a huge project requiring
excavation to the street. Hopefully Bruce can work some magic for me later
today. What a bunch of crap!
12-04-15: At the shop with the truck.
I’m getting new front brake pads and rotors
put on my badass F150 so I’m in the waiting area at the auto shop
here in Bangor. Bye bye $327 for that, and I dropped $740 for new tires
1.5 weeks ago so this truck is setting me back more than a few greenbacks.
Registration was $150 yesterday at the town office, and a new driver’s
license was $30 at the DMV a couple weeks ago. Oh, insurance is also $61.25
a month (for both of our vehicles. Not bad for full coverage!) Having
wheels is expensive gods damn it. I should just take the bus, walk, or
taxi. However, I don’t think I can run my bootleg slumlord business
without my truck so nevermind. Kat’s Mountaineer still needs $875
in work, too. What a bunch of crap!

^Generic stock Interweb photo of a black F150 like what I have. I probably
have a photo of my truck somewhere, but I don't know where. My truck has
a Track Rack on it, too.
Overall my truck has been good to me so I can’t cry too much. If
I can get another 5 years out of the thing before it starts to rust away
and fall apart then great. I love my truck and would definitely buy another
one just like it when the time comes. I don’t baby the thing, that’s
for sure. I use it often for loads of debris, tools, supplies, etc. I
was hoping to also use it to haul a deer to the house after a stop at
Van Raymond’s to tag my trophy, but I only have a week more left
to hunt if I wanna make that dream a reality. Odds are against me bigtime
at this point. I suck!
Today has been one of those days where I’ve been nickeled and dimed
on my time management so I haven’t accomplished too much. I did
have some bootleg apartment things to take care of earlier, but thankfully
nothing too difficult. I got a call last night at 2330 from one of my
tenants. She was worried that her plumbing drains were backed up and they
“might be frozen or something” because the downstairs toilet
was slow to flush. It’s the same property where this debacle happened
about 5 weeks ago so I expected the worst:

^Shit covered in lime; it blew out of that white PVC pipe that now has
a cap on it. What a bunch of crap!
I got there this morning expecting to be pwned, but much to my delighted
surprise things seemed just fine. The toilet flushed like normal, and
I filled the tub and listened to the main line drain down in the basement
just to be sure. No problems. Sweet! If their main line clogs again I
will have to replace a big section of the thing so I’m hopeful it
will be okay for years to come or, at the very least, until the spring
when I will have more money and time to deal with it. If the line does
need to be replaced we will have to dig, and digging in the winter = epic
fail and of course more greenbacks going bye bye.
These tenants can be totally ridiculous at times, but they are nice and
they always pay so I don’t mind. One of them must have dropped a
mega-deuce last night and that caused the thing to run slow so they assumed
the worst and got on the phone ASAP. They also told me that the towel
rod in the bathroom came loose again so I had to reattach that. It took
5 minutes and was a cinch so all I wanna know is why? Why can’t
her man take care of that stuff? When I rented I never would have called
my landlord scumlord to come over and tighten a screw on a towel
rack. What a bunch of crap! For $1290 a month I can deal with it and then
some. No prob, thanks for the rent, and now we can afford a timeshare
on the Caribbean Sea. The power of positive thinking!

^I will wade through shit on occasion if I can make enough money to put
food on the table, a roof over our heads, some cheap beer in the fridge,
and maybe if things go well a little extra for an occasional vacation.
These guys need to put a wiggle on it here at the shop because hanging
out here isn’t too fun. I wanna go home and bivouac since I didn’t
get much sleep last night. A nap before tonight’s gig would be great
since it will be another late night. We got home from Tag’s at 0130
and by the time we got unloaded and settled it must have been after 0200.
Revielle was 0630 so I could take Katherine to school and go look at that
apartment false alarm. Katherine was sick so no school for her, but I
did still need to go over to that apartment. Thankfully that apartment
was easy so I could go to my office to do some paperwork, to use the gym,
and to lay out the rest of my December business budget. The rest of my
gas bills came in the mail this morning, and I scored a bonus on that
front. Last year at this time my bill for all the rentals was $1447, but
this year it was literally half that. Oh Jesus, hell ya! A gas bill totaling
$720 this time of year is a win for me, bigtime. November was milder than
average, much more-so than last November, and the price gouge per therm
from Bangor Gas was lower. No plow bill for November either; last December
I had a $300 plowing bill to pay because November was brutal. What a bunch
of crap!
The extended forecast is fantastic for this time of year. Let’s
hope the prediction hold true for the next 10-14 days and it stays above
average with no snow. That will especially help this year because I don’t
have heat out in the renovation at the house yet so I will use less kerosene
in the space heater as I do my insulating, sheetrocking, and mudding/taping/sanding.
I don’t need heat out there to insulate and sheetrock when it’s
in the 30s and 40s, but I need it when it gets very cold. Of course I
can’t mud without heat or the end result would be epic fail. I’m
hoping that by the time it does get really cold again I will have the
furnace all hooked up and operational out there. Fingers crossed I can
keep my contractors motivated.
Wednesday, 12-02-15: At
The Roost in Orono.
Kat started a brand new karaoke gig tonight, and I
am hanging out with her at a place called The Roost
in Orono. It’s a college town for sure, and I can tell you that
from personal experience. UMaine is only a mile away from this bar, but
when I went to the university up here I never went to this bar. It might
have had a different name way back then in the late 90s and early 2000s
when I was a student, but I lived off campus and never hung around in
Orono so I have no idea. I did drink up here with Gavin an few times back
then, but mostly I was hanging out in Brewer at my bootleg apartment.
That was way back before I even dreamed I would one day own that building.
I moved in September 1, 1998 and signed a lease to rent the 3BR apt. for
$545 a month with heat included. Now I rent out that same apartment for
$970 a month. Wow!
This bar is okay I guess. I can get on the Interweb and hang out in the
corner so at least I can get a few things done while I watch drunk people
sing. I am seriously connected to someone’s server/router that is
students who live in an apartment nearby? My guess is a definite yes.
It wasn’t busy at all to start here, but now at 2320 it’s
picked up some. They have a beer on tap called Coney Island Root Beer
that tastes really good. I’ve never had alcoholic root beer before,
have I not lived life to its fullest or what? Oh wait I married Kat so
of course I have. Soon the college will be on Christmas break so there
will be a karaoke break during that time. Then when Kat starts back up
later in January I will be doing taxes so I won’t be able to tag
along with her This winter is gonna suck!

^Tastes like regular root beer, but will get you drunk. At $4.50 a pint
from the tap I definitely won't drink these on a regular basis!
I have been adding some B-vents to my online shopping cart, and tomorrow
I will take a few more measurements and finalize the order. No place locally
sells the stuff, at least not that I know of, and it’s probably
cheaper online anyway. Some of my order will come from Home Depot and
some will come from Amazon. The prices vary quite a bit from seller to
seller. For example, a 5” B-vent 90 sells for about $12 on,
but that same elbow is $25 and up on All I wanna know is why?
MUDDA FUCKAS. [Joe Peschi voice from Casino.] What a bunch of
I need heat in our soon-to-be functional home addition ASAP. Kat’s
studio would have been 100% done today, but the flooring was pissing me
off so I quit and installed most of the sheetrock in the soon-to-be laundry
room instead. Sometimes that gods damned Pergo style flooring does not
want to stay snapped together, especially at the start, so I swear a lot
and act like a baby. Fortunately there wasn’t an urgent need for
me to finish the floor in the studio today because there still is not
heat out there. Now that I am getting paid for that roof job I will have
money to pay for the furnace install at our house, and that is priority
#1. Bruce ran some ducts already, but I still need a plenum and the B-vent
for the exhaust fumes.
I only have about a month left before the Jackson Hewitt job starts, and
after that I am time-pwned. That means whatever isn’t done on the
home addition will have to wait until spring. I’m perfectly fine
with some things like siding and maybe a hallway not being done, but everything
else needs to get finished. In order of importance I need to finish at
minimum: Kat’s 16.5x13-foot studio (mostly done!), the 8x8 laundry/utility
room (mostly sheetrocked now, but not mudded and taped yet.), the entryway
downstairs (not even fully insulated yet, and some wiring remains), Katherine’s
13x11 bedroom upstairs (sheetrocked with some mud and taping done), and
the upstairs 8x5 bathroom (not even insulated yet!) There will be a second
bedroom upstairs along with a pantry/closet and a hallway with room for
a possible little kitchenette, but all that can wait until next year.
If I can get some of that done this month then bonus for me. Right now
it seems unlikely any of that will happen until 2016, though.
I worked a full 8-hour day on the home renovation today. Nice! Normally
I can’t do that because I have apartment work to do, Katherine needs
a ride, we have appointments, I want to use the gym or deer hunt, etc.
(I’d go crazy if I didn’t make a little time for myself.)
However, today was the perfect storm of sorts for me and I got shit done.
I won’t get as much done tomorrow because I will be tired from staying
up until 0200 tonight, but that’s okay all I want to do tomorrow
is finish the last little bit of sheetrock install in the laundry room
and get a coat of mud on all of those walls. In a perfect world I’d
have that laundry room 100% done and painted within a week, but nevermind
I wish Gary didn’t retire and move to Florida. I need a good heating
contractor. Bruce is a good plumber who knows some heating stuff, but
even he admits he can’t install my furnace and run schematics as
far as what size/how many vents I need in each room. I have this new heating
guy, Bob, and he seems knowledgeable. Unfortunately, he has a sick wife
and is trying to juggle all his customers so he can’t ever make
time for me. What a bunch of crap! It’s time for him to shit or
get off the pot because I need this furnace installed ASAP. I do feel
badly that his wife isn’t doing well and I can relate, but at the
same time I need my work done. I met him two frigging months ago and it’s
still not done. What a bunch of crap!